Chapter Eight - Birthday (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

I had to sit in another meeting with the teachers and principal about (F/n). I had to do most of the talking, it was the start of her second week, and reassured them that she was adjusting just fine.

The bell had rung, I trudged to my class. To find everyone, 20 students, floating and struggling in the air while (F/n) was staring blankly in her seat.

"(F/n)!" I shouted at her and erased her quirked. Everyone slammed down to the floor. She snapped out of her daze. She looked confused as if she didn't know she was controlling them.

"I'm sorry-I didn't mean to. Ugh!" She clenched onto her head in frustration.

"Do you need a second?" I asked her. I really wanted to ask what was wrong but as a teacher I couldn't play favorites. She got up and walked out of class.

Everyone stretched and tried to tried to regain their composure. "That's really painful. It felt like my body wasn't even mine." One of them commented.

"Yeah, I have pins and needles all over my body right now."

I had to get class started. Moments later (F/n) walked back in.

"As I was saying, you'll be taking the final exams in two weeks. I'm sure you're all study constantly and if you aren't I suggest you start studying, it's going to be a compressive test on everything you've learned this year. Don't forget to keep training. The written exam is only one element. There's also the practical element to worry about. Good luck. Start studying." I crawled into my sleeping bag and slumped down to the floor.

Shoto POV

(F/n) sat at her desk and looked out window. I called her name out multiple times, she didn't answer. I finally placed and hand on her shoulder. She tensed up and pinned me to the ground only using my wrist.

"Oh, it's you." She said. "Sorry." She let go of my wrist.

I held my wrist with my other hand. "Don't worry about it... Hey, (F/n) is everything alright? Earlier you–"

"I'm fine. It was an accident that's all." She said. I decided not to pry into the situation. She stared out the window again. I wondered what was going on. Two days ago she kissed me and now she's ignoring me. My hand came up to mouth.

I gently sighed and walked back to my desk. I payed close attention to her. Kaminari and Ashido caught me staring. They started prying into my feelings for (F/n).

"Shouldn't the two of you be studying. Even though it's pretty hard to fail if you just pay attention in class, isn't it?" I said being cold as usual. That would be something she would laugh at but she wasn't really herself today. My gaze fell back on her. She stared blankly into the distance.

"Why'd you have to come for me like that?" Kaminari said with his ego completely destroyed.

Midoriya tried to uplift their spirits and Iida backed him up. Yaoyorozu offered to help people study.

I was already studying like crazy throughout the week and weekend with (F/n), so I think I'm good. I just wanted to know what was wrong with (F/n).

Aizawa POV

Before, I started Remedial Heroism 101, I had a talk with (F/n). "What happened before class today?" I asked (F/n).

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