CHANGES Toshinori Yagi x Reader

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All Might. Was he my favorite hero? Of course he was. He was the symbol of peace. The people needed him to feel as if they had nothing to worry about in the world, to feel that they were always safe. And I needed it too. That was why I had looked up to him. Despite having a useful quirk, I decided not to become a hero. But yet my dream was to beside All Might. At first I thought maybe it was to be his sidekick, but I soon realised that after meeting him I was wrong. I wanted it to be so much more than a sidekick.

It all happened one night while I was on my way back from work. I had gotten out of the office pretty late, which wasn't unusual for me. So I went about my normal routine of getting home. First was the walk to the subway, then the subway took me about four blocks to my house, then the walk to my house. Little did I know that a lot could happen in those four blocks.

All of a sudden I was yanked into an alley with my mouth being covered. It all happened so quickly that I didn't have much time to think. I did what I thought was right, what was legal. Instead of using my quirk, I bit the hand that overed my mouth and kicked whoever had me in the groin. They released me, but only for a second. But that second was long enough for me to scream for help. And help came.

I had expected some small time hero to save me, not All Might himself. I believed that I wasn't in true danger and that I could have gotten away with just a little more fight, but I was grateful.

"Do not be afraid, because I am here!" All Might bellowed. I would be lying if I said a smile didn't spread across my face along with a light blush of admiration. It was an honor to be saved by such a public figure and not to mention such a handsome man.

Within an instant the man who had attacked me was on the ground, restrained by whatever All Might found nearby. He stood there standing over the villain in his hero stance. All his muscles were clearly visible, but that wasn't what I was paying attention to. I watched as his chest heaved with heroic laughter, laughter of a successful mission.

I attempted to thank the man but no words came out. I stood there looking like a fool with my mouth wide open and large eyes in awe of how quick he detained the villain.

"You don't need to thank me. I'm just doing my job." Again, he words were a shock to my system, rocking my to my core. But they were pleasant and warm. Almost like home?

I shook my head, knowing that I had to say something. "No, I need to thank you. You're so great and you need to hear it more. So thank you All Might!" I was nearly jumping up and down with excitement. It was shameful that I could hardly contain myself in front of such a heroic man. Of course other people probably have reacted poorly towards him after being saved, but I had expected to be calm when meeting him.

A large hand began to pat my head. I looked up st him, confused by his actions. "No, thank you. Now, please, go home and get some rest. Call for me if you run into any other trouble." He punctuated the end of his sentence with a wink. Me being myself just got slightly more flustered and nodded my head and turned on my heel to go home to rest for the night.

After the incident I still continued to walk my same route. One abnormal experience wasn't going to throw me off. I wasn't going to let myself come off as rattled by the incident. It did change me, but for the better. I knew it in my heart.

As usual nothing had happened on my way home, but I still felt off about something each time I'd walk home. Almost as if someone was watching me but I had just ignored it. Up until this time that was.

"Who's there?" I said, boldly turning around to expose myself to whomever was lurking in the shadows. Maybe a part of me was looking to pick a fight just to call for All Might again. "I know you're there. Show yourself!" There was now way I was backing down.

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