Conversations on the Side of the Road

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I prepared myself for impact. I squeezed my eyelids shut, bracing for the Jeep to slam into the wolf. At the speed I was going, my chances of making it out of here alive weren't high. 

Except the impact of the crash never came. 

My side window crashed, and glass sprinkled down onto me. I shielded my face as large hands wrapped around me and yanked me out of the Jeep. My rescuer leaped onto the grass, cradling my body in their arms. The Jeep spiraled out control, and ran into a nearby tree. The tree fell over, causing all the windows to shatter as the Jeep collapsed into itself. My breath caught in my throat. If I had been inside, I would have been buried alive. I turned to my rescuer, to see if they had gotten hurt trying to pull me out. "A simple thanks would be nice." Carter scowled. My mouth fell open. "Would you stop staring? You're freaking me out." He pulled himself to his feet, brushing off debris from his leather jacket. 

"I'm freaking you out?" I laughed, running my fingers through my hair. Maybe I really am going crazy.  "Why'd you save me?" I asked, scrunching my forehead in confusion.    

 "Would you rather of not been saved?' He asked, raising his eyebrows. 

"No-no-thank you." I stuttered. Carter held out his hand for me to take. I stared at it. "Are you going to kill me?" I asked weakly. He rolled his eyes at me, and lifted me up off the ground. "Just do it quickly." I begged, closing my eyes.

"I'm not going to kill you, Tessa." He groaned.

I re-opened my eyes. "There's has to be something you want from me. Why else would you put yourself in danger?"

"Maybe because I'd rather not see a girl get squished to death by a car." He said matter-of-factly, as if it was the most obvious thing.

"I thought you hated me." I murmered.

"I could really care less about you." He said, fixing the cuffs on his jacket. "The threats towards you are all apart of my image."

"You're image?" I mocked him, starting to laugh. 

"It's important to keep up appearances around here." He shrugged. Yep, I'm definetly going crazy. I started to hyperventilate as the reality of my current situation started to sink in. "Are you okay?" Carter gave me a good look over, shaking me by my shoulders. "I promise I'm not going to kill you." He repeated, as I chokedon air, no longer able to breathe. I crouched onto the grass, curling myself into a ball. I rocked back and forth, trying to control my scattered breathing.  Carter knelt down besides me slapped me across my cheeks-snapping me back into the present. 

"Thanks." I murmered, rubbing the forming bruise on my cheek. "I needed that."

"You should problably head home." Carter suggested. "You're pack is going to come looking for you."

"I'm actually trying to avoid them." I explained. 

"Are you running away or something?" 

I shook my head. "I just needed to get out of my house."

"I get it." Carter sighed. 

"What are you doing out here?" I turned to conversation to him. 

"I guess you could say, that I needed to get out of the house as well." 

"This is so weird." I forced a laugh. "No offense, but you did break into my house and attack me."

"I'm an Alpha." He argued. "It's sort of my job to threaten our rival pack."

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