chapter 2

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(Y/n) POV
After i got off the stage i was greeted by the other singers. They told me how wonderfull I was especially that cute porcupine girl whivh i found her name was ash. I kinda like her but does she feel the same about me. Buster showed me to my rehearsing room which was right next to Ashes. I started out with my other favorite song kickstart my heart by motly crue

Ash over heard my and quietly opened the door and watched me though i knew she was there i pretended i didnt. She was in shock at how good i was. Even she wasnt this good. When i finished she gave me a standing ovation and i playfully bowed earning a giggle from her i loved hearing her laugh it gave me a warm feeling. She went back to her room and i continued to practice. I heard the door open and i thought Ash came back but it was johnny my new best freind telling me that it was time to go home i told him thanks for telling me and packed my stuff went to my chevy Camaro

I heard a wolf whistle. I turned around to see who did it. It was johnny with a smirk on his face " man (y/n) this is a nice car"" I know it cost me a lot so be carfull around it" Johnny playfully faked leaving a scratch on it. I just laughed. I sarted my car when i heard a knock on my car door.

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