Chapter 2: Under the Mistletoe

Start from the beginning

Draco had to refrain from rolling his eyes as he spoke the words. Arithmancy had been the dullest of subjects in school. But he had to stay true to his character, and the real Steven Carmichael had been mad about it.

He turned politely to Granger and saw her eyes light up with interest at his last words. Figures.

"Arithmancy was one of my favorite classes!" She smiled at him. "Have you read Septima Vector's new book Numerological Advancements in Speculation and Knowledge?"

Draco was struck by two things. One, how much lovelier she looked now that he was even closer to her and, two, how he had never before had one of her genuine smiles directed at him. It felt odd.

"I have. It's fascinating," he lied, although he was sure the real Steven would have read the book cover-to-cover by the time the ink had barely dried.

"I haven't had a chance yet," she admitted, mournfully. "But I've heard his theories on complex number charts are quite riveting."

"That they are," Draco replied pleasantly, ready to change the subject, and held out his hand, introducing himself. "Steven Carmichael."

Richard Beems, who had been watching their exchange, spoke up.

"Forgive me for not making proper introductions! Steven, this is Hermione Granger, just graduated from Hogwarts and joined my Department of Education team. Top of her class, this one, and a real asset to the Department. Hermione, Steven's family and I go way back. They've often hosted me at their Hampton estate over the summer holidays."

As Hermione held out her hand to Draco, he gently took it in his. Bending slightly, he gazed at her and laid a gentle kiss on her hand.

"Enchanted to meet you, Miss Granger. It's not every day one meets a beautiful witch so interested in Arithmancy."

She blushed, and Draco chuckled inwardly to himself. Of course, if she knew who she was really talking to, she would have hexed him insensible and certainly never allowed him to kiss her hand.

Since she had no idea who he really was, it was quite easy to use the Malfoy charm on her. The real Steven Carmichael was a bumbling nerd who would have frozen up if a beautiful witch paid attention to him. Draco hoped Richard Beems wouldn't notice anything odd about Steven's suddenly bold character.

"I see you don't have a drink yet, Miss Granger. If Richard wouldn't mind, allow me to get you one." Draco smiled at Hermione.

"Of course! Of course!" Richard Beems exclaimed, good-naturedly. "You young ones enjoy your time. I see Arthur Weasley and need to talk to him about last night's Quidditch match, anyway." He winked at them and moved away.

Draco gently took Hermione's elbow and led her to the bar.

Over the next hour or so he stayed close to her. He made sure to engage enough with other witches and wizards at the ball so that she did not feel stifled by him, but he always made his way back to her. He invited her to sit with him at dinner and she accepted with a smile.

Through dinner they talked almost exclusively to each other, although there were eight others at their table.

Draco was surprised how easily conversation flowed between them. He had prepared himself by rehearsing various Steven Carmichael-like conversation topics, but he ended up needing very few.

Instead, Draco found himself answering her questions about the Hamptons and America with his own experiences at the Carmichael estate.

The Malfoy family also went far back with the Carmichael family, as the Carmichaels were a long line of Pureblood, well-off wizards like the Malfoys. However, Steven Carmichael Sr. did not share Lucius Malfoy's same views on Muggles and Muggle-born wizards, and the Carmichaels had never expressed interest in aligning themselves with Voldemort. As a consequence, the Malfoy family visits had waned over recent years.

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