Chapter 2 the fairy prince

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Hero fell asleep as Thumbelina danced in front of the book, sing as she did so.

I know there's someone
Somewhere, someone
Who's sure to find me
After the rain goes
There are rainbows
I'll find my rainbow
Soon it won't be just pretend
Soon a happy ending
Love, can you hear me
If you're near me
Sing your song
Sure and strong
And soon

I wonder if there really are such things as fairies. Hmm.


Little did thumbelina the fairies had begun to turn the leaves for the Autumn season. When the fairy queen turned to look at her son she found him missing from his designated set.

"Oh my dear. Don't look now, dear husband, but our son is missing again."

The king turned any way in spite of his wife's warning.

"So he is. I think he feels a bit silly riding that white butterfly we gave him." The king confirmed this with the resent memory of his son's dread upon spotting the butterfly.

"Why should he feel silly?" The queen retorted.

"It-it-it doesn't quite make the right impression on the young ladies?"

"Well, what about the impression on the court? Colbert, my love, it is the autumn today and we have begun the golding of the leaves. He should be here."

"Tabitha—" cut off by his own wife she continued.

"He'll hurt himself. I just hope he's not out buzzing the vales on that wretched bumble bee. He is the crown prince, for heaven's sake."

The king smiled, at his queen."Tabitha, dear, have you forgotten what it's like to be sixteen?"

just as the fairies vanished from sight, a bee came into view zooming out from the dandelions. The bee's passengers a fairy boy with brown hair and brown eyes, drove the bee expertly across the field, his red tunic and brown pants catching on the wind, till he reached a house, in which he stopped immediately upon a house.

"Whoa!" He called to his steed and peered through the window. "oh. Hello. What a beautiful voice. I wonder who she is. Stay here boy, I'll check this out." The fairy boy snuck in through a window and be hind one of the pages in the book watching the girl.

thumbelina twirled and danced as she hummed and stopped at the picture standing before her. "Oh, you have to go now? Ah, I see. You are a wonderful dancer. Will I ever see you again?" Just then the page cut open and the fairy boy popped out sword in hand.

"May I cut in?" He said startling the girl.

"Oh!" She exclaimed and ran right to her tea pot and hid inside.

The boy feeling bad flew down right in front of the pot. "Don't, no, wait-wait, come back! Oh, I – I apologise, I didn't mean to frighten you." He put his sword in his back and opened his arms. "Oh. There, see? No more sword. Now, will you come out? Ah. What... Wait a minute. What are you staring at? Well, say something, will you?" The boy flew to the top of the opening resting his head on his arms as he watch the girl crawl out of spout. He went to go meet her, and thumbelina gasped.

"You're... Oh! You're one of them!"

"Uh, I beg your pardon?" He became confused.

"I thought I was the only one my size in the whole world." From the background hero growled catching the attention of them both.

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