"true" louis says as the waitress brings them their food and they start to eat "either i am starving or this is the best meal i have ever had"

"that makes two of us" liam says as they continue to eat and when they are done they pay the bill and go back to louis apartment and walk in

"i am tired" louis says as he flops on the couch and liam falls on the other couch

"me too" liam says as they hear the door bell ring and liam goes to answer it "can i help you"

"hi i am your neighbor across from you" the person says as he points to the open door "just wanted to say welcome to the building"

"oh thank you, lou its for you" liam says as louis gets up and walks to the door

"hi i am louis tomlinson just moved in" louis says as he extends his arm

"im harry styles been living here for 2 years" harry says as he extends his arm as they shake hands and both can feel a bolt of electricity running their their bodies "well i will let you go, umm welcome to the building neighbor" harry says as he smiles and louis gasps

"you have a dimple" louis says as he pokes it and harry gasps

"louis" liam yells out

"heyyy" harry says as he starts to laugh

"sorry" louis says as he starts to blush

"its ok just wasnt expecting that" harry says as liam looks on and starts to laugh

"sorry" louis says

"well see you around neighbor" harry says with a smile and louis cant help himself as he pokes harrys dimple again "gonna start charging you for every time you poke my dimple" harry says as louis takes out his wallet

"can i pay you  in advance" louis says

"your funny" harry says "well good  night neighbor"

"night" louis says as harry walks to his aparment and louis closes the door

"hmmm" liam says

"what" louis says

"what was with all that flirting" liam questions

"he has a dimple and those green eyes" louis says

'thought you werent looking for love" liam questions

"thought the love of my life wasnt going to knock on my door and say here i am" louis says laughing with sass and attitude

"uughgh i cant with you, im gonna shower and go to sleep" liam says as he gets up and goes into the spare room  and louis goes into his room and showers and soon fall asleep, the following morning louis gets up and changes his clothes and realizes that liam was still asleep and decides to wake him up and jumps on him

"Get the fuck off me" liam says as he moves and louis falls on the floor and they start to laugh

"get up lets go get breakfast" louis says as he gets up and liam changes his clothes and soon walk out of the apartment and at the same time harry walks out of his apartment and louis smiles but then stops when he sees someone else walk out of harrys apartment

"morning neighbor" harry says with a smile

"um morning" louis says with a fake smile as he and liam continue to walk

"whats wrong lou" liam asks

"i dont know i thought he was single" louis says

"you dont know maybe they are friends" liam says

When I Needed You The Most ~  Larry Stylinson MPREGWhere stories live. Discover now