
Once again, Dani was in one of the benches of this famous dinner. Except that she was with her brother this time.

These two last ones had solved their differences around a milkshake and now they tried to hold the longest the look of the other with a spoon on their nose.

Completely stupid but that was how their relationship could go.

And to be honest with themselves, they needed it.

It had only been a week since they arrived in Riverdale but for them it felt almost like a month or more.

So much had happened in such a short time.

Unfortunately, it would seem that they were still far from finding a moment of peace as a rather boring voice seemed to persist in their little bubble for a while now.

"The drive-in closing is just another nail in the coffin of Riverdale! N-no, forget Riverdale; a coffin of the American dream. As the godfather of indie cinema, Quentin Tarentino, likes to say-"

"Please, God, no more Quentin Tarantino references." The excited boy of the other time suddenly interrupted him, leaving Dani and Nath to share an amused smile.

"Thanks God, luckily you're here!" Nath suddenly said as he turned to the group as he decided to meddle in the conversation.

To the biggest surprise of all, it was the famous group of friends reminiscent Dani of the Scooby-gang.

Betty, Veronica, the famous guy with the cap and the other one with the smile now so big in the sight of Nath that he could beat the Joker.

"You ? "

"Me." Nath answered, using his famous white-toothed smile that Dani knew so well.

And in order not to make things even stranger, a heavy, heavy silence fell over the rest of the group as they continued to look at each other, devouring each other's eyes.

Hence the reason why Dani took it upon herself to clear her throat, breaking the trance in which her brother seemed to be.

"So what is the Drive-in? "

Her question immediately grabbed the boy's attention to the hat she still did not know the name and she had to literally hide a smile as she saw his brown eyes narrowing on her in suspicion."Why do you want to know? "

His tone seemed to surprise everyone except Dani obviously.

However, Nath did not know that as he took it upon himself to answer in his sister's place."Well maybe because you have not stopped talking since just now. "

Brown seemed about to reply only the excited boy of earlier took the first opportunity to converse with Nath.

"The Twilight Drive-in is an outdoor cinema. People come by car to watch the movies. "

However, that was enough to make us forget about our presence since he resumed his rambling immediately. "The Twilight Drive-In should mean something to us ... people should be trying to save it. "

"In this age of VOD and Netflix, do people really want to watch a movie in a car?" Veronica asked, glancing at Betty and brown at the hat. "I mean, who even goes there? "

"People who want to buy crack. "

"I would." Nath said nonchalantly as the gelled-haired brown man and received a new suspicious glance from the brown.

-Blood in the Water- Archie Andrews [1]Where stories live. Discover now