Chapter ten: guardian in the night...

Start from the beginning






And Kili." Bofur named each of the dwarves around us, though I knew some of their names. I heard movement behind me, and the beast inside calmed.

"Ah yes, and let us not forget our king, Thorin oakensheild" Bofur announced, a proud gleam in his eyes.

"Hey! Ye canny forget yer old man. I'm Balin, I believe we've met?" I turned to meet the gaze of Thorin and the silver haired Balin, though my eyes lingered on the ice blue orbs belonging to Thorin. I bowed my head lower for the two, showing my respect. I stood back as Thorin walked towards me...and past towards the living room. The other dwarves followed him, and I was left standing alone.

"You can't tell them" Gandalf muttered behind me, though he knew I heard him. I nodded, walking past him, I followed the dwarves. I knew what he meant. I couldn't tell them what I was. They would see me as a monster. Dwarves weren't the most accepting of magic.

"I know" I whispered to him as I walked past.

"I know" I whispered to myself.


The dwarves had gathered in the living room, smoking their pipes and filling the air with a sweet aroma. They stood around the fire, their faces stoic and solemn. I stood in the shadows close to Thorin who stood in front of the fire. The beast was protective, and would not allow me to wander far from his side. It was pathetic, I know.

I tensed as the dwarves began humming, but all tension left me as Thorins' deep voice rang out over the rich sound.

"Far over the misty mountains cold

To dungeons deep and caverns old"

Balin joined in, and the others followed after him.

"We must away ere break of day

To find our long-forgotten gold

The pines were roaring on the height

The winds were moaning in the night

The fire was red, it flaming spread

The trees like torches blazed with light"

I blinked a few times as my eyes stung. I could hear the pain and determination in their voices. Just from that one song, I knew why they were doing this. They just wanted their home back, it was understandable.

I quickly rubbed my eyes before anyone noticed. I didn't cry! No I was just...just tired.

"Sleep, I assume we leave at first light" I called as I hurriedly walked from the room. The moment Thorin was out of my sight, the creature went crazy. I clenched my fists and kept walking, making my way outside.

I needed to release some steam. I didn't want anyone hurt.

I stepped out of the hobbit hole, taking in a deep breath of air. The wind made my hair flutter and my cloak whip around behind me. I shut the door and started down the path. All the hobbits were tucked up in bed at this time, so I didn't have to worry about them. Lights glittered in the near by hills, as hobbit holes glowed with warmth from the lights and fires inside. The farther I got from the company, more over, Thorin, the more difficult it became to control the beast.

"Stop it!" I growled at myself, grinding my teeth.

I made my way to my home, which was only a few feet away from Mr.Baggins' house. I looked around before quickly slipping in through the door. The house was dark, but my eyes allowed me to see, even without light. I confidently walked down the hall, taking off what I wore as I went. By the time I reached the back door, I only had on the rusty Iron collar with various arrow heads bound to it. I opened the door and leapt out. By the time my feet touched the ground, I was a monster.

A creature.

A blood thirsty beast.

My soft pads made my footsteps silent, as my long legs propelled me forward. My eyesight became incredibly sharp, and every flicker of movement drew my attention. My silk like ebony fur made me invisible in night, only my pearly white fangs gave me away. I still had all my scars in this form, though now some were covered slightly by thick dark fur. My blind eye stood out like a sore thumb, and the scar running from my eye brow to my cheek bone was more prominent then ever. I took to the hill tops, trotting along as I made my way past my garden fence and towards Bilbos home once more. Only this time, I stayed in the shadows.

I crept along the side of Bilbos house to sit outside the living room window. Most of the dwarves were snoring, strewn across Bilbos home and making where ever they slept look like the comfiest bed in the world. The two dwarf princes, Fili and Kili were sprawled out on the couch, using each other as pillows. They looked so young, like little pups. The beast had the sudden urge to protect the young pups, and that need slowly crept into my heart. I would protect them. Thorin still sat by the fire, were I'd left him, smoking his pipe as he looked intently into the flames.

He looked so tired, lonely and...sad...and the same time he looked so strong, stoic and royal. With out warning, his gaze snapped to mine. He stood instantly, his pipe falling to the floor. I could understand his alarm. I was a huge, hulking beast, the size of a massive bear. I retreated before I caused him more...fear. The beast whimpered at the thought of us bringing him fear. Admittedly I hated the thought too. I hated what I was.

I stayed in the shadows until Thorin calmed down and finally got some sleep.

That night I guarded the company from all harm.


I'm so sorry! I've been out nearly every day, and when I come back I'm always soo tired! But now that this minor bump has past it should be smooth sailing here on out :) vote, comment and have a god one xx

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