All of them nodded upon hearing the firm demand from their boss.


"Sehun, you are early today?," Chanyeol lifted his eyebrow, not expecting Sehun to come this early.

"What is the problem then?," Sehun responded and walked into his room. Ignoring the weird Chanyeol.

"Well, you were with Kim Kai right?," the younger frowned as he heard that. What's the problem then?

"Yeah, so why?,"

"I thought you guys maybe did something and-

"Sehun! Why do you hit me?!," Chanyeol howled in pain, while rubbing his head. Sehun just hit him.

Sehun looked at the elder with no expression as response. Well he thought Chanyeol deserved that.

"I will seriously hit your head harder if you keep saying those things, Hyung!," Sehun exclaimed.

Chanyeol laughed and it looked really annoying for Sehun.

"Stop avoiding it, Sehun," Chanyeol uttered, still laughing idiotly.

"Avoid what?," Sehun knew what was the guy talking about but he pretended to not understand it.

"Your feelings, you like him right?," Sehun's hand automatically moved to pull the taller's ear.

Luckily they were in Sehun's room and no one was there. It was so embarrassing to see.

"What happened here?," both of them stop before turning their face and saw Kyungsoo standing at the door.

"Hyung," Sehun sprinted towards Kyungsoo and hugged him from aside.
Chanyeol was still rubbing his ears, it was painful you know.

"What's wrong?," Kyungsoo questioned, looking at Sehun and death glare the tallest.

"Chanyeol Hyung keeps on disturbing me while I was working, it's so annoying," Chanyeol could only stared in shock.

Kyungsoo lifted his face and his eyes were staring deadly at Chanyeol.

"Hyung, I need to go out now, I will be back later,"

"What do you mean?!,"

Sehun chuckled silently, he slowly stepped backwards to the door and went out of the room.


Sehun sprinted out from the office and got into his car.

Suddenly his phone rang. He looked and the screen showed the unknown number.

"Who is this?," he muttered.

He was unsure whether to pick up or not. Finally he decided to just answer the call.



Sehun arched his eyebrows as he didn't hear any response or reply.

"Hello, who is this?," he tried uttering again.

Still silent.

He was puzzled. What's wrong with this person?

Sehun snorted in annoyance, he was about to end up the call before a voice stopped him.

"Oh Sehun,"

Sehun gasped. He knew this voice. It was really familiar.

"W-what do you want?!," he exclaimed. This time he needed to be brave. He couldn't look weak.

Sehun's ears caught the light chuckle from the caller. He tightened the gripped on the steering.

"Do you still remember my voice, Sehunnie?,"

"Don't call me by that name, you jerk!," Sehun hissed. His heart was beating wildly. He was afraid.

"Still sassy as usual, I like it,"

"What do you want?, stop disturbing me!," Sehun retorted in anger.

"I can't promise that, by the way I miss you Sehunna,"

Sehun snorted.

"What the actual fuck do you want?!,"

"Ahh you need to keep your sweet lips from cursing too much,"

Sehun clinched his teeth. Anger was boiling inside his body.

"We will meet soon, Sehunna,"

The person ended the call, leaving the clueless Sehun. He was angry and afraid.

"M-meet me?," he stammered.

His shaking hand slowly dialled the number.



Chanyeol's voice softened as he heard Sehun's shaking voice.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?," he asked carefully.

"H-he called me just now," the younger stated.

"What?! Where are you now?," Chanyeol asked in obvious worried.

"In the car, still at the parking,"

Chanyeol exhaled deeply.

"I will be there, wait,"

Sehun's grip on the steering weakened after the call. He was trembling.

"W-what should I do now?,"


Hi guys! Sorry for the late update ❤I'll be more focusing on this story from now!

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