unifrown (wedding)

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(Can someone request no nsfw, because im young)
*door bell*

:unikitty: who is it

:masterfrown: its me, from 3 months ago

:unikitty: *opens door* oh hey masterfrown

:masterfrown: hey, i brought you some flowers

:unikitty: awww thank you

:masterfrown: can you put this white dress on, while i put this black suit on

:unikitty: of course, thank you

*dr fox spys on unikitty and master frown*

:dr fox: what in the name of heck are they doing

:masterfrown: *walks in* now where should i put my suit on at

:unikitty: at the changing room or the bathroom *knocks on door*

:puppycorn: just a minute

:masterfrown: *opens door*

:puppycorn: HEY, A MAN NEEDS SOME PRIVACY!!!!!

:masterfrown: sorry puppycorn *closes door*

:unikitty: how about you should change in the changing room, you go first

(After they put there wedding uniform on)

:unikitty: how do i look

:masterfrown: beautiful like a women

(2 minutes later)

:dr fox: hawkodile, unikitty is geting married to master frown

:hawkodile: oh ma gosh, i better stop her before she turns bad like masterfrown

:unikitty: i think we should do a wedding here, inside

:master frown: great idea unikitty

*after they decorated the castle*

(Wedding Music plays and everyones here)

:unikitty: im soo happy

:masterfrown: yeah me too

:richard: unikitty do you take this. Handsome man as your husband

:unikitty: i do

:richard: masterfrown do you take your cute kitty as your wife

:masterfrown: OH HECK YES!!

:richard: you may now k-

:dr fox: wait!!! Masterfrown is evil dont merry him!!!!

:masterfrown: sike, im not merrying a pink hairless cat!!!

:unikitty: IM NOT HAIRLESS!!!!!

:masterfrown: im outta here, forever ha ha ha ha haaa, see ya, ha ha ha *drives off in full speed*

:unikitty: that was unfortunate

:dr fox: good thing you didnt merry him, because he was evil and already merried

:unikitty: too who



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