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She is the most amazing person I've ever met,
She cares more about others than she does about herself,
She constantly takes care of the people she loves,
She is my light, my life, my world.

The way she repetitively plays with her hair, twirling and twisting it,
The way she laughs, expressing it with her whole body,
The way she hums to her favorite songs, not knowing that everyone stops to hear her melodic voice,
The way she makes every moment of my life brighter, happier, and better altogether,
The way she jumps when she's scared,
She is my light, my life, my world.

When she hugs me or just happens to touch me making me get butterflies,
When she looks absolutely adorable, but denies it every time,
When she comforts anyone she sees going through a hard time,
When she sways along to the tune of the music playing,
When she is always cheering me on, inside and out,
When she tries to stay serious, but fails and laughs anyway,
She is my light, my life, my world.

Her and HimOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant