"Good morning birthday girl." Nana Angie said rushing over to me and giving me a big kiss and a cuddle.

"Morning nana Angie." I smiled.

"Morning nana Angie." Casey copied.

"Good morning darling." Nana Angie replied.

"Nana. Nana." Carly giggled as she tried to wriggle out if mum's arms.

"Good morning pumpkin." Nana said laughing as she took carly from my mum. "Why don't you two go have your breakfast. Your plates are on the table waiting for you. How about you Ray, do you want any breakfast?" Nana Angie asked my mum as Casey dragged me out if the French doors.

"I'll just do myself some toast thanks Angie. I'm feeling a little wishy washy today." Mum replied.

Outside everyone was talking and laughing. Daddy, auntie Helly and uncle Alec were all sat at one end, eating breakfast and chatting. My brothers, Cein and Cody, were sat at the other end with Olly, Isaac and Daisy. They were all laughing and messing around. Although I could tell by Daisy's face that she wasn't really that interested in the conversation. Daisy was my best friend and she looked just like auntie Helly and nana Angie. She was louder than me and hyper active most of the time. Her older brothers, Isaac and Olly, were just as crazy. Well Olly mostly, Isaac was starting to get a little more serious, just Cein. They'd been watching dad and uncle Alec working and kept trying to act like them. Cody was hyper like Daisy, they liked to play tricks on each other. Letting go of Casey's hand, she quickly climbed on her chair next to Cody. She gave him a big cuddled like she did to me and blew a kiss to Cein. She knew not to hug Cein, he thought he was to old hugs.

"Hmmm do I smell a birthday?" I heard my dad say.

He looked around the table pretending he couldn't see me. I giggled and quickly ran over to him

"Here I am daddy." I said as I leapt onto his lap.

"Wow my little angel I think you've grown over night." He chuckled squeezing me tightly and kissing my forehead.

"No I haven't daddy, I 'm just the same." I laughed back.

"Are you sure? You definitely look taller to me?" He smiled as he started tickling me.

"No daddy stop.....please daddy." I burst out laughing.

"Come on Cole let her have her breakfast before it gets cold." My mum said as she put a mug of hot chocolate on the table.

"Oh alright then." My dad replied putting me back on my feet. "No tea this morning Strawberries?" He asked my mum as I made my way to the others.

"No not this morning, feeling a little funny." She replied smiling sitting down beside him.

I got in my chair and started eating my food as nana Angie came out and put carly in her booster seat. I pretended to be listening to my brothers and the others but really I was listening to my mum and dad.

"Do you want to talk to Grace quick when they get here in a bit." My dad asked her.

"No. Let's just concentrate on the triplets today. If I'm still feeling a little under the weather tomorrow then I'll speak to her." She replied smiling before taking a sip of her drink.

"Are you sure?" He asked back.

"Yes today is the triplets day. Besides I don't think it's anything to worry about, it should only last a couple of months." She said smirking, trying yo be quiet but I still heard her everybody else.

"You're not are you?" He dad whispered back with a goofy grin on face.

"I think so. I'm late." She whispered back giggling.

I concentrated my food again, smiling knowing that soon I'd have another brother or sister.

It was late afternoon and all the adults were laughing and chatting on the decking. Dad had the BBQ fired up and mum was getting the meat ready cook. The whole family was all gathered up now. Much like we were a couple of days ago for Rhys's birthday, he's the same age age as me a my brothers. He was playing football with Cain, Cody, Isaac and his two younger brothers Ryan and Riley, they were seven and six. Riley couldn't quite keep up with the others but they passed him the ball a lot. Daisy was sat with Uncle Greg and auntie Grace's daughter Megan, they had massive crushes on Cody and Rhys. They didn't admit it but I knew it was true, they followed them around all the time. It was funny really. I was sat on blanket with all the younger kids. Casey was sat with Olly, making him a Daisy chain crown, I giggled as she placed it on his head and he grin back at me. Carly was curled up asleep with Kai and Tate. Tate was auntie Cira and uncle Jared's little boy, he was two and Kai was auntie Celine and uncle Markus's one year old son. I quite often found myself with the younger children, they quieter most of the time.

"Hey Cerys, I got you a birthday present." Olly said quietly as crawled over to me.

"Thanks Olly." I replied as he took my hand and something small inside it.

When he let my hand go I opened it up and found a pretty necklace in my palm.

"Wow." I said.

"Nana Angie helped me pick it out. Here I'll put it on you." He said taking it from my hand and putting it around my neck.

I smiled as I picked up the the little wolf charm. The little green stone curled up in it's tail, changed to blue to my hand.

"Did you see that it just changed colour?" I said excitedly.

"It's a mood stone, it's changes colour when your mood changes or take as that's what nana told.

I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, it was the best present I had ever had.

"I love it, thank you Olly you're the best." I said kissing his check.

I chuckled as his cheeks turned pink.

Suddenly the football went flying past our heads, only just missing Olly and going into the bushes behind us. Looking over at the boys I saw Cein staring at us, he was really protective me and didn't like when boys got to close to me.

"I'll go get it." Olly said frowning, knowing he had upset Cein.

"No. I'll go, you stay here just ignore him, I love my present." I said smiling as I got up. I quickly ran over to the bushes but couldn't see the ball. Stepping a little further into the wood I saw it next a tree. I quickly ran over to but just before I went to pick it up a boy stepped out from behind the tree. He put his finger to his lips and told me to be quiet. I knew I should have been scared to see a stronger in the woods by my house but I wasn't. Something told me he wouldn't hurt me. He tall, possibly two or three years older than me, with reddish blonde hair. He smiled at me and I smiled back as I was drawn to his beautiful eyes. I had never seen anything like it before, he had one blue and one green, they were beautiful. I went to take a step closer to him when I heard my dad calling me. I turn and looked back towards the garden and when I turned back he was gone. I sniffed the air around me but didn't pick up anything unusual. Hearing my dad calling me again I grabbed the ball and hurried back to my family. For the rest of the day I couldn't get the eyes out of my head. I couldn't help but wonder who he was and what he was doing there but most more importantly, I wondered if I'd ever see him again?


So guys here is the Prologue of the Third book in the Life series. Please forgive any mistakes as like all my stories on wattpad, this is just a draft. I already have a couple of chapters written but plan to upload only one a week. I will try and upload one next week but i am going on holiday and will be busy finishing up the packing. I hope you all enjoy this story. I am Please to announce that Life on the Rocks is now available to buy from amazon, barnes and noble and smashwords in Ebook form. the paperback version is now available from Createspace and soon will be available from Amazon too.

Cheerio for now my lovelies


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