Yoga by the Beach

Start from the beginning

After the class was over and Ada was thanking Harry and saying goodbye, she saw some life vests lying around which hadn't been there the previous days, noticing her curious glance Harry explained that since most of his students slept in and took the afternoon classes, he was planning on going jet skiing right after class "Would you like to come? –Mmm - Unless you are busy of course" he asked her, turning rather shy of all of a sudden.

"Yes, oh yes, please. Although I must warn you, I've never done it before" Ada accepted, a bit scared but eager to spend more alone time with Harry.

"No problem, baby girl. You'll ride with me" He answered delightedly.

Ada had her bikini in her beach bag since Brian would undoubtedly be sleeping till noon, she had been planning on hitting the pool. She changed quickly and they made their way to one of the resort private piers, where a jet ski was moored.

Harry asked Ada to lift her arms, as he fitted one of the life vests around her chest without listening to her protests about how she was perfectly capable of doing it herself. "I need to make sure is properly fastened, otherwise it'll be useless and since I'm the one driving is my responsibility" he offered. Harry seemed to take his responsibility very seriously, going as far as smearing sunblock over her face, arguing that there was always less risk of missing a spot when somebody else applied it. "I'd be really sad if you miss yoga class tomorrow due to sunburn"

"This is what heaven must be like," Ada thought, feeling the sea breeze and foam hit her face. She was riding in the back of the Jet Ski with her arms firmly wrapped around Harry's middle, her cheek resting on his back. Every so often he would cover her hands with one of his as if checking she was still there. Although she had been thinking of him nonstop since their first class, she never imagined she would get to be this close to him. She felt his hair brush the top of her head and suppressed an urge to run her fingers through his head, he looked amazing with his short hair. But there had been a time when his hair had been long, and he used to put it up in a man bun, she had seen some photos of a long-locked haired Harry meditating in India in the spa advertisement for the yoga courses.

An hour and a half later, which seemed like on five minutes to Ada, Harry took them back to the pier and took Ada's hand to help her out. Still holding her hand he led her to the open air shower to rinse off the salt water. "Thank you, Ada. I usually ride alone and is not much fun. After taking so much of your time the least I can do is buy you lunch." He said disarmingly.

Once again she accepted eagerly, this was turning out to be a fabulous day. They were walking back to Harry's car after enjoying what Ada felt was the most delicious meal she had ever had and talking. Suddenly Harry grew quiet, stopped walking and stared intently at Ada, biting his lower lip and running his thumb across it he plunged into a question: "I took my chances and asked you to come with me today. I've been wanting to, since we first met but I've seen you around the resort with this guy, and I've also seen he goes out every night without you, it doesn't seem right. What's your relationship with him?"

Startled, Ada answered. "Harry we are cousins. Brian has been my best friend ever since I can remember. My father and his are brothers. We grew up next to each other. We entered a contest to win a two-week trip, at the time we didn't know that the trip they were giving away was for couples and we'd have to share a room. When we won we decided to come anyway since neither of us is in a relationship right now."

"That's amazing news. I wished I had asked sooner, we've wasted a week already we have to make up for that." He answered in an overjoyed voice, adding "I was really scared of what your answer might be, I was preparing myself for the feeling you get when you have to let someone go. I know is only been a week, but letting go of you was going to be nearly impossible Ada. You're the most amazing woman I've ever met" he followed his words by cuppings her chin into his hands and crashing his lips into hers. "I'm really looking up to spending week two of your trip with you Ada." She hushed his words by kissing him back hungrily. Molding her mouth to his, eagerly parting her lips when his tongue teased and asked for entrance, as he held her close to him. She had had her fair share of boyfriends before, but kissing had never felt this wonderful. In fact, it felt so wonderful; Ada felt the urge to protect herself, to pull away, to avoid heartache.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, a deed furrow appearing on his brow "I thought you were enjoying this. If you aren't,   just tell me, I never force myself on any woman."

"I enjoyed it immensely, but I'm afraid to fall for you. It'll be one more week and then I go back home."

"That won't be a problem. I'm not letting you go, Ada, I'll just follow you back home."

"How that even possible, you've is got a job here. What will the hotel say?

"They won't say anything. I own this hotel and a few others around the world, I just teach a couple of yoga classes because I really enjoy it. I'll just do it where you live - in London-  from now on."

                                                                       The End

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