The look of expectation has instantly turned into pure disgust.

He just ignore it as he smile.

"You're in luck! They say the instrumental this time is soothing that it can even make an owl felt drowsy."

"...I'm allergic to classical, no thank you." I hurriedly throw the ticket to the box, as if it was contagious.

"There's no such allergy." He said.

'F#$%, no shit sherlock!' I gnashed my tooth.

Are you kidding me?! Do you want to see me snore in the public that much?!

Is it because you know that I have sleep deprivation that you would try and deliberately embarass me in public?!

F#$%, only an idiot would accept this!

"I don't want it!" I sternly state my rejection.

"Aww~ But I don't want to go alone." He said in a moist eyes.

I rolled my eyes to the point it's almost went backward.

'What's the point of having that playboy skill then? just pick a random girl on the streets!'

"Either way, I don't wan-"

"By the way, I've told all the senators and some of the powerful public figure that my dear friend will attend together with me."


I throw the box to that bastard's face as hard as I could..... Which he caught in the end. Adding fuel to my irritation.

"Inviting, of course. I had no power to force you if you had the heart to refuse this." He said with an eye so gentle I would almost puke.

"But man~ imagine all the dissapointment of the poor heartbroken ladies and gentlemen(who's probably gonna be beneficial if you're on their good side) that is anticipating the arrival of my best friend."

'Inviting my a**!' I spit mentally.

I sighed towards the ceiling.

".... Then tell me." With a feeling of defeat, I look at Naoki

"Why me? You have a lot of friends to pick right? Is it okay to introduce me, the girl you just met in a week towards all the important old man and lady?"

He raised his shoulder. "Well it's not like I have any choices, after all..."

I hear his word, and suddenly come up with a quite shocking conclusion.

'Could it be....'

"No, you don't need to say anything." I instinctively cover his mouth with a gaze full of mine genuine pity.

"Whug?" He said between my palm.

It's okay I understand.

'It's because you have no friends other than me right?'

I did not said it out loud, fearing that it would tear the heart of that lonely boy.

I mean think about it.

Though that man can be well mannered on the outer layer, who could handle him after they could finally see the true demon king beneath that layer?

Now that I think about it, I must've been a saint just to put up with him for this past few days!

He took off my hand and spoke in a slight suspicion on his face. "Why did I feel like you're thinking of something's unquestionably rude?"

"Nah, you're overthinking. Wait here, I'm going to the washroom first." I brushed it off while agreeing with his invitation, as I turn around and went to prepare myself.

The Flower of Evil's ForesightWhere stories live. Discover now