Welcome to Hell!

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"Miss Lovato?"

The beautiful blonde women tilts her head to the side, looking at me, with a questioning look on her face. Her hair is pulled up in a perfect pony tail and her eyes are a stunning blue.

I catch my breath and stand up, from the white leather chair. "Hi. Nice to meet you."

She smiles brightly and grabs my hand. "Good morning. Welcome to Downey & Baker. My name is Sofia, I am the office's secretary." She says with a smirk. "We are so glad that you could start on the first day of your summer break from college. It's a huge relief, knowing that you'll be helping out."

We start to walk along the corridor, filled with pictures of a man, shaking hands with a lot of famous people.

Slowly I frown and turn to Sofia again. "I'm really grateful for your acceptance. Thanks again, I appreciate it."

Suddenly she laughs so hard that she holds her belly, under her fire red dress. "You really have no idea what you're getting yourself into."

I try to smile. "I'm just happy that I got the job."

"Hopefully, you'll keep that opinion throughout the summer, Sweetie." Then she opens a door to the left and leads us into an enormous office. It's filled with designer furniture and looks like a fancy magazine advertisement.

"This will be your desk." Sofia says, pointing to the big table at the end of the room. "And that door in the back, is the entrance to Mr. Downey's' office. Mr. Baker is currently on a business trip, so you'll meet him in a couple of days. Mr. Downey will be here any minute. Just make yourself comfortable. If you need anything, just press the '3' on the telephone and talk to me." She flashes her white teeth again and leaves the room in a swift moment.

I start to endeavour the big room, with its book shelves and pictures and plants. It has an extremely nice atmosphere. When I sit down at my new desk, I sigh in relief.

I have a good feeling about this job, it will get me some money and hopefully I'll learn something for college.

Then the door swings open and a man stomps into the office. "Who the fuck took my parking spot?"

I stand up, abruptly and look at him. His eyes catch mine and he frowns. "Who are you?"

The raspy voice of his, makes me feel something....I definitely shouldn't feel.

"I-I'm your new personal assistant, Sir. Demi Lovato...nice to meet you?" The stutter came unexpected.

He turns around and leans his hands against the door frame.

"For Christ sake, SOFIA." He shouts.

I hear quick steps coming closer and then Sofia's body appears in front of the man.

"What the fuck, Sofia?" He says again.

"What's the problem?" Sofia replies calm.

"Who is this..." He turns towards me and gives me a once over. "...girl?"

"She is your new PA, Robert. Her name is Demi, she's a law student from Harvard and will stay for the whole summer."

Oh. So that is Mr. Downey.

Wait....I am his personal assistant?

"She's what?" His voice rips me out of my thoughts. "What happened to Amanda?"

"You never had a PA called Amanda. Her name was Amy and she quit after two weeks."

"Thats what I meant. Amanda, Amy...sounds the same. I thought I was clear, when I said I didn't want any new young girls wandering around here. I can get coffee on my own."

"You need to concentrate on your cases, there is too much stuff you have to deal with. So you need her, Robert. She's here now. Deal with it. And your appointment with Mrs. Hale is cancelled, she had to go to a meeting with her husband."

He nods absently and then turns to Sofia again. "But who took my parking spot?"

"I have no idea. Now get to work." She replies and Mr. Downey turns around, grunts and disappears into his office.

"If you don't want to get killed on your first day, you should move your car." Sofia says and gives me an apologetic smile, when she leaves the room.

I breathe.

His eyes stuck to me... The way they burn through your body, furiously and filled with life. Dark and deep, something you could easily get lost in.

I can still feel the presence of him in the room..


I jump from my seat and almost fall over it.

Mr. Downey stands in the door frame to his office, a couple of feet behind me.

"Yes, Sir." I answer, a bit more confident than before.

"What's your name again?"

"Demi Lovato, Sir." I say and try to smile.

He rolls his eyes. "Stop calling me 'Sir'."

I straighten my jacket and nod. "Alright. I'm sorry, Si-, I mean...Mr. Downey."

"Jesus! Get yourself together." He says, opening the first button of his shirt, loosening his tie.

"I just want to tell you the rules, okay?"

I nod. A bit scared of what actually will come.

"First, you'll listen to everything I say. No disagreement, no veto, nothing. Second, be on time, always, everywhere. And last, no guests and no sex on the desk."

"That's not going to happen, I promise." I say, overly enthusiastic.

He smirked. "Yeah, I figured that by now."

"Excuse me?" I say, standing up a bit taller.

Mr. Downey crossed his arms and his smirk turned into a crooked smile. "You just seem like a person who wouldn't be that adventurous, or...sexy. No offence."

I gasped. "I don't think I have to discuss my sex life, with my boss."

I snapped.

"What sex life?" He asked and looked like he was genuinely interested.

"Get yourself a hobby, perv."

The words came out of my mouth before I could even think about them.

He stared at me and then moved towards me.

"Oh, someone is getting cocky."

His body was only inches away from mine and I could smell his scent. Slowly my brain started to make up scenarios of how I could just press my lips on his ....No!

Just repeat in your head: he is your boss, he is your boss, he is your boss!

Then Downey leans a bit forward and presses his lips against my ear.

"Welcome to hell Miss Sassypants, we'll be having a lot of fun."

Love, Lust & Law (Robert Downey Jr. & Demi Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now