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The whole city runs in a monarchy. That's the first thing Aris have figured out. The people seem happy but they can't hide that something is wrong. At least not to him. Every single family pays tax almost half of what they actually earn making them struggle to provide their needs. Other thing is that the city's young men are forced to be part of the kingdom's troops. This is hidden to the eyes of the commoners. But not to him. Aris can see through. He knows it. Something is really wrong. He always wander around the place, flee when seeing soldiers making rounds by the marketplace.

Aris learned to survive by making his own sustenance. By the time hunger strikes, going somewhere he can't be seen by anyone is the thing he does. Aris runs for the forest. Trees grow fruits for him to keep himself going. Another one is to secure a place to live temporarily. The soldiers catch unregistered people and enforce them to train and be a part of the kingdom's security so making his own abode at the middle of the woods, at the top of one of the trees is a right choice.

By day, he scouts the kingdom hoping someone might know him or approach him. Some who may know something about his life. He can't remember anything aside from hid name. Nothing else. Just the four letter word that proves he exists. No one can tell him anything about who he was before, who he have and what life he lived.

Wandering keep all of his senses at peak. Always trying to get familiar on manipulating the nature. Aris badly need to learn how to control this talent. A special skill that can be used against any danger. He closed his eyes and let himself feel the nature within. There's this odd, heavy aura inside sprouting bit by bit until it grows in full form. A big oak tree with thick, rich leaves. He tried again and again until he have the full grasp on it.

Exhaustion hitched on his lips. Cool breeze blows the curls of his brown hair sending shiver to his back. The fresh water of the lake Aris have found is cold to his feet. He badly need a bath. His body is covered with grime after so many days without proper hygiene. Slowly, he dip his half naked body to the clear waters and started rubbing it to get clean, feeling every dirt fall out of his skin. By the time he got satisfied, something on his left forearm caught his attention. Aris have this black marking of what look like a pair of scissors. He then strongly rubbed his forearm to get rid of the symbol. But it stayed like a tattoo. Maybe this one was in his skin already and not really paying any attentions to it. The sun rays struck it slowly vanishing it making Aris confused. He stared to his forearm for a three whole seconds. Nothing. Not even a single trace of the once black symbol in his skin. Aris continued bathing and went by the bank to wash his clothes and drying it under the sun.

Aris stayed in the lake a bit longer. Feeling the cool water and the warmth of the sun in his skin at the same time. The contrasting feeling made him a bit nostalgic. A sweet nostalgia creeping to his skin and to his muscles and to his bones.

Aris. Aris. Aris. He kept on repeating the name in his mind, thinking it may help on remembering something in his past. Images of the symbol he had earlier entered his mind. It made no sense. Why would he find it there and then it suddenly fade?

Sounds of running footsteps alerted Aris. The sounds are coming his way made him jump up to his feet and went looking for a hiding spot. He ran for the berry bushes about a hundred yard away from the lake. He catches his breath. They are many. About a group of three to five. He peeked confirming his thought. Three men- sentries are running, searching for something. Maybe for someone? He don't know. He just kept his head low to avoid getting seen. Even after he couldn't hear the footsteps of those sentries, Aris didn't get out of his hiding spot. He throw short peeks to look out for the three men. I can't be caught. I must not. Getting caught by those sentries means he will either be used as a slave or be forced to join and train as a warrior. I can't let them catch me. They can't make use of what I can do. Even though he woke up without memory few days ago, he can tell that he have a special talent no other can do except him. They can't know it.

He waited for few more minutes before standing up. He need to go back to his place. Those sentries may be still wandering around.

"Don't make any move." Aris stunned. The sharp point of a cold metal object on his nape.

"Who are you?" The person voiced out in a serious, harsh tone. Putting their hand on his shoulder and slowly turning him towards their direction. They have an all black outfit. Even their- her face is covered with black mask only revealing her bluish eyes.

Aris raised both his arms to surrender. "Who are you?" She repeated. "I'm no one." Aries said, backing away as she push the sharp point of what looks like a long ice pick towards him. "I'm particularly no one." He repeated as his back made contact to the near tree. "What are you doing here, all by yourself?" Her eyesight went down to his still dripping wet clothes. She then removed her black mask, revealing her face. She have those sharp lines, a full lips, and a pointy nose. Her hair fell an inch below the base of her head. She once again looked at Aris. Seizing him up and throwing invisible daggers toward his direction.

"You're not from here, are you?" She said in a knowing tone. She snapped the middle of her ice pick, retracting it to a pair of metal chopsticks and pinning it to her leg pocket.

"Actually, I don't know." Aris said, his voice trailing off. "What do you mean?" She raised an eyebrow and stared at him.

"I can't remember anything. Absolutely anything. Just my name." Aris bowed his head. "And what's your name?" She said. Aris bobbed his head up. "Aris."

"There!" One of the sentries shouted. The girl pulled Aris' hand as she run. "Why are they chasing you?" Aris asked as they run. She didn't answer him. Instead, she picked something from his back pocket throwing it to the sentries' direction. The sentries evade the thing that look much like a metal ball. As the metal ball reached the ground, it exploded. The shockwaves almost knocked Aris off his feet.

Aris wanted to interrogate her. Several questions are lurking on his mind. But he can't ask those now. They need to find a safe place first.

"This way!" He shouted and shifted his way to his left. The girl then tailed him. Several yards away, Aris can see his tree. His home. He slowed his pace and came to a stop by the base of the tree. He started climbing the thick trunk of the tree. She hesitated for a second before following Aris.

"Make sure we won't get caught or I'll kill you myself." She threatened. "We're safe here, I promise." They continued to climb the height and just about the few seconds they reached the entrance of the little tree house.

Aris entered the doorless abode first. The floor is solid wood making the girl think if tree trunks grow that big. He settled to sit by the makeshift wooden sofa.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Aris smiled. The girl just stared blankly at him. "What's your name by the way? Didn't have the chance to ask you earlier." The girl take few steps before sitting to the other wooden sofa adjacent to Aris'.

"Vida." She answered shortly. She wandered her eyes around the place. Everything in it are made out of pure wood. As if the nature made those the way those things look.

"Okay, Vida." Aris sucked air before continuing, "why are they chasing you?" Vida's gaze landed to his eyes.

"They saw me sneaking into the Order Hall." Aris' eyes widened. "Order Hall?" Vida rolled her eyes. "Why?"

"To exploit the real things happening inside. The Zelacorians don't know that the great Order is the enemy of the kingdom, except me." Aris' brows knit in confusions. "You don't have to understand it right now. You just need to know that you can't trust anyone from The Order."

Vida waited about almost half an hour while glancing at her pocket watch. "I think they're gone. I'll get going." Vida said shortly. "Okay," was what Aris can say. As Vida was about to leave, he called her making her turn, "you can go back here if you need some hiding place." The lady smiled before answering, "Danshan."

Danshan - expression of gratitude

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