Chapter 14: Fair Game

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"Yes I know... No, you've made yourself perfectly clear. I've tried that.... My etiquette has been fine... uh-huh... There's still time... If I'm being honest, no... No, the prince isn't likely to choose me."

"Maxwell, I'll catch you outside." I push him towards the door and he shoots me a worried look.

"No worries. I'll see you down there."

Maxwell continues down the hallway, leaving me with Hana. I walk up and tap her on the shoulder. 

"...Oh! Hello, Riley. I'm just on the phone with my mother. .... No, Mom, I'm not ignoring you. Riley just walked over to me... Yes, the one from New York."

"Your mom knows about me?"

"My parents follow the Cordonian news. Hm? Yes, Mom, I've tried gaining the court's favor... I've become friends with Prince Liam. Right.... I'm not here to befriend him."

"Hana, your parents don't get to dictate your life. you're your own person, and you have the final say in your life."

Hana covers the phone, " You don't think I've tried telling them that? They don't listen. It's all about the family and the house with them." Hana brings the phone back to her ear, "Yes, Mom. I know you love me and only want the best for me."

"Then, they should listen to you. If they love you, they need to listen to you."


"Tell them how you really feel."

Hana competitively looks at her phone.

"You can do it." I touch her hand and give her the encouragement to voice her truths.

"Mother, there's more to my life than fulfilling your wishes. I've done everything you've ever told me to do, and it's made me miserable. If you really want me to be happy... then you have to let me figure out what that means for me." Hana hangs up.

"Hana, you stood up to them! I'm so proud of you!"

"I'm proud of me too! That felt... amazing! I can't believe I stood up to them, I--Oh my goodness, I can't believe I said those things to my mother! She's going to be so furious!" Hana's face goes from excited to terrified in a split second.

"You know what, she'll come around. Just give her some time. You're not being unreasonable."

"Maybe you're right. I need to stay strong, even when she pushes back. It is my life."


"You know... that was kind of nice. Thanks for helping me do that!"

"You had the courage to follow through."

"There's strength in numbers. Though I think I've delayed both of us long enough."

"The party will survive without us... but not for long."

"Then let's get down there."

Hana and I head downstairs and exit the manor.

Outside, Maxwell finds me.

"Riley, Hana, there you are. Shall we make our grand entrance?"

The three of us walk over to the grounds where nobles mingle on the lawn.

The lawn is lively and festive, with a variety of games and activities set up. I see croquet, badminton, and archery.

"Not bad... could use more music, but... that archery looks pretty sweet." Maxwell mimics shooting an arrow and we both laugh.

The Royal Romance Book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang