Ev was staring up at him, her blue eyes bright and wide. Her long reddish-blonde hair had worked loose from her bun and hung in unruly strands around her face.


"Please take me with you."

"Nonsense!" Kieran snapped. A furious red hue washed across his pale face.

"The battlefield is no place for a girl," said King Edwards. Even as he spoke he felt Kieran's eyes turn to him. He cleared his throat. "Not until you are well trained and ready."

"But I-"

General Hycut grabbed her elbow. "Do not talk back to your king."

Her pale face flushed, and her eyes widened. She pulled back while lowering her head.

"That is why you are not ready," Kieran snapped.

He turned his back to her and faced Edwards. Edwards gave him a quick approving nod and headed down the hall with a brisk pace. The castle held a slight buzz from the news. His soldiers, accustomed to mundane patrols, scrambled through the halls to the ready.

"Forgive my daughter," said Kieran. "She is still young and foolish."

"Weren't we all at one time," said Edwards. A very long time ago. Edwards ascended the throne when he was thirteen. His father was killed during an invasion from a nearby kingdom. The villages laid in ruin. His father had five royal mages; Kieran, Luna mother of infant Gallion, Shatner, Julia, and Horatio. Only Kieran, Julia, and Gallion survived.

Kieran started as a mentor and grew to be Edwards best friend. Gallion, who Edwards grew up with, became his worst enemy. Forced into the rules of adult life at a young age like Edwards, he grew jealous and bitter.

Edwards didn't remember a time that he was truly a child. He never had time for play or leasiurment. He was a king. He protected his lands and served his people. Despite the dark cold void in his chest, Ev remained the tiny sliver of hope and memory of a time when things were whole. When he had a family and still felt love. Of the innocence of someone so young. He shook his head and doubled pace to the stables.

King Edwards mounted his stallion. The pure white horse saddled with fine leather and royal purples easily showed Edwards regality to any onlookers. Kieran mounted an all-black horse that stood a hand taller than Edwards'. General Hycut and the other soldiers saddled and mounted various colored quarter horses bred for speed and travel.

With the thundering of hooves, they rode out across the countryside. It had been a long time since Edwards left the castle. The open and fresh air filled his lungs creating a slight dizziness in his head. He felt the power of the stallion beneath him. A shred of life came back into him only to be smothered by the thought of orcs in his land.

Orcs! They have never entered my lands, even in my father's lifetime. What happened? The unknowing ate at him for the hours it took to ride towards the edge of his kingdom. Edwards' lands were oblong with the northern border following the sea. It took weeks to ride across his kingdom one way and only days the other. Heartwood lay only a day's ride away. If they moved through the night, as he planned, they would be there by midday.

When the sun set two scouts rode ahead of the group with lanterns. King Edwards moved to the center of his men with the ones furthest out holding more lanterns. This strategy allowed them to ride through the dark and keep the King safe. Edwards felt smothered by them. Each sweaty man riding within arm's reach. He could hear each one breathe. Hear the thinks and clicks of the metal of each saddle and sword.

The dawn did not come soon enough. With the first light, formation changed and Edwards took the lead again. He quickened pace, trying to make a gap between himself and his men. A thick sweat coated his horse's fur. He still felt smothered. Irritation wound up inside of him.

The Name Of The KingWhere stories live. Discover now