'Come on Clar. It's all we have. It's not like you have to sleep with the guy, it's just a way to get you in. I'd love to have you there. You know how much your support means to me' and with that he flashed her the puppy dog look that almost always got him what he wanted.

Breaking eye contact, Clarissa turned her head, focusing her attention to a woman who was helping her child eat her sandwich as the pros and cons debated in her mind.

Suddenly a big booming voice in her mind banished the debate 'Who cares what other people think? You know you want to go, so stop over thinking and just go Clar or you'll end up regretting it'

'Ok' she sighed

'I'll go with Sergio but only because I want to support you and make sure those model vultures don't get too close to you now that you're technically free from Aneselma'

'I think I can handle myself' he smirked.

'Uh-huh. ok we'll see, once they get you drink enough who knows what'll happen!'

Cristiano laughed as he pulled his phone out and dialled.

He winked as he waited for an answer, causing Clarissa to roll her eyes.

It wasn't long before the ringing stopped and the conversation began.

'Sergio! My man! what's going on?' Cristiano greeted.

Clarissa shook her head and couldn't help letting out a chuckle at the rapid change in his persona when interacting with his teammate.

Clarissa took a sip of her latte as she listened to Cristiano going through the formalities with Sergio.

She let her mind wander and it wasn't too long before her attention was grabbed.

'So Sergio, the real reason I rang was because I wanted to see if you have found anyone to go to the awards with because if not I have who is just dying to accompany you' Clarissa choked as the words left Cristiano's mouth.

'Oh yeah man. she's a real babe!'

Clarissa kicked under the table and caught Cristiano giving him a warning.

'Ow' Cristiano exclaimed putting his hand up to cover mouthpiece of the phone.

'Watch it! professional footballer here' Clarissa stuck out her tongue causing Cristiano to laugh.


Clarissa wasn't sure exactly how she had gotten into this position but two weeks after her cafe rendezvous with Cristiano she found herself sitting at her dressing table applying the finishing touches to her make up.

As she stopped the pink lip gloss across her lips she sat back she took a deep breath to calm the nerves that had slowly began to rise within her.

She doesn't know why but she couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen.

As she shook her head to discuss the negative thoughts, the front door bell rang causing her to jump.

'Ok Clarissa, remember you're doing this to support Cristiano this is not a date with Sergio, just make sure that he knows that' she told herself as she grabbed her shawl and made her way downstairs.

As she approached the front door, Clarissa could see Sergio fixing his hair, which she had noticed was a thing he did when he was nervous.

As she opened the door and was caught by surprise as she was greeted by Sergio who was looking very share and handsome in a black suit holding a bunch of red velvet roses.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2014 ⏰

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