Part 2

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Andy's POV

"So are we good to stay with her?" Ashley asked.

"Uh....yeah" I said climbing back into the ruined tour bus and grabbing my duffel and started packing it with clothes.

"So what's wrong?" he asked sounding a little confused.

"I think she was on speaker, but there was a girl calling her a groupie when she said our name" I said grabbing another shirt and putting it in the duffel.

"Why was she on speaker" Jinxx asked, following my lead and stuffing a bag with clothes.

"I don't know, but that's not the point, she's getting harassed, she doesn't need that, she hasn't done anything wrong" I said bugged that this was going on.

"Ohh, does someone have a crush," CC said swinging an arm around my shoulders.

"She's one of my best friends, she's not a crush, Beth is practically my little sister." I told them.

"Sorry" CC said to me "I definitely get the older bro vibe now" he tried not to smile, "So that means she's free to date one of us."

Ashley grinned "yeah, just how cute is this girl?"

I sighed and finishing packing I sat down, trying not to look at the front windshield of the bus, "guys she's been through a lot, I just don't want her getting hurt"

"Awww.." Ash whined, "I won't hurt her."

Just then I heard faint music coming from outside of the bus. It was Bon Jovi's "It's my life."

"That must be her" Jinxx said

"I call shotgun!" Ashley damn near screamed, running out of the bus.

"No I do" CC shouted after him.

I chucked and stood up "come on Jake we got to go." He hadn't come out of the bathroom since we the the hit some deer, besides packing.

"Coming," he said following me out, careful not to look at the front of the bus. "Over here" we heard Ash call at the opposite end of the bus still arguing with CC over who got the front as Beth pulled up and got out. She had changed since I last saw her. There were blue streaks through her brown hair, which was now straight, instead of the curly mess that I knew, and she had a lip ring from what I saw, she had black leggings and a Metallica t shirt on.

"Andy" she yelled "get your butt over here so I can give you a hug!"

"I'm here, you can give me a hug" CC told her.

"I don't know you yet, so thanks, but no thanks" she said smiling walking over and giving me a hug. "Damn you! You grew again!" She said pulling back now only up to my chin.

"Or you shrunk" I joked ruffling her hair.

"Yo who gets shotgun" CC said, "Ash called it before you got here, so I say it shouldn't count."

"You're right it doesn't" Beth said trying not to let a smile show "My rules are first one in gets it"

Both Ash and CC ran over trying to beat each other to the door of the car. "It's locked!!" Ash cried out trying the handle.

"Just that door is" Beth said back, "And the window is down, so I don't see a problem.

As Ash climbed through the window with CC trying to pull him out, she turned to me and said "So.. you guys have a choice, I have rehearsal, so I can either drop you guys off at the house, but there's really nothing to eat, or you can come with to rehearsal."

"Rehearsal? What happened to the culinary or cosmetology things you were going to do?" I ask confused because she had been determined to get them.

"I already got them, I got bored with them so I am now getting a fine arts degree. Hence rehearsal."

Jinxx walked over, "it'd be cool to go, I haven't seen someone else perform in a while."

"Dido" Said CC having given up on trying to get the front seat.

"What ya talking about" Ash called, leaning out of the car.

"Getting dropped off or coming to rehearsal" Beth called over her shoulder.

"Let's go" Ash said.

Everyone looked at me, "Why not." I told them faking nonchalance with a shrug. I Haven't been able to see her for so long of course I was going to go. As we all piled into the car, Beth looked back from the driver's seat and said "Hey Jake you alright?"

"I'm fine" he said not very talkative.

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