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Tris POV

I wake to hear people talking, I try room sit up but I feel hands on my shoulders pushing me back down gently. I look up to see Uriah standing next to my bed "you should take it easy Bea, you got a lot of hits to the head." I look around the room and notice that Lynn, Shauna, Marlene and a few other people I know "Hey look who's awake" I look in the crowd to see Dark standing there with Six standing next to her. I was about to say something but the door opened and mum walked in, as mum walked in everyone walked out. my eyes trailed from her eyes to where I could see blood on her top "omg mum, I'm so sorry I didn't mean for you to get..." before I could say anything Marcus walk through the door "what do you want?" I say in disgust, the sight of him makes my eyes hurt "I am here to take you back to Abnegation Beatrice" I look at him with more then anger in my eyes "No! I'm not going back. this is where my family, NOT there!" that got him mad "I AM your father Beatrice and I say what you do, and you ARE coming back to Abnegation. whether you like it or not." I reach to grab Uriahs hand "YOU'RE NOT MY FATHER. MAX IS." I scream at him. then out of nowhere I hear "WHAT?!?" I look over towards the door to see Max standing there. Max my real father.


I was on my way to see how Four was doing thats when I heard screaming, I slip in the room so no-one would notice that's when I hear "YOU'RE NOT MY FATHER. MAX IS." It was Four, I step out into the open "WHAT?!?" I look back and fourth between Four and Ivory. when I look back at Four she's smiling at me, I smile back and go to stand beside her "as a dauntless leader, Marcus you to leave this compound and never come back. if you do I will get the guards to dispose you. And as for you Four..." she cuts me off "its Tris dad" I place a hand on her shoulder "and as for you Tris tyou are not to leave this compound without someone with you" she smiles even bigger and wraps her arms around me "I understand dad."

Ivory POV

"well now that you know" as I say that Zeke walls in "Max, Zeke is our eldest son of the two of them"

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