The Christmas Killer

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 Once upon a time, in the sacred land of Hawaii, there 

was a little boy, by the way, his name was Kuru

and he was with his family until Christmas.

Every Christmas he goes to

Grandma Mary's house to celebrate until January.

But one Christmas he went over to

Grandma Mary's house and saw a

strange man, but it looked more like

this creepypasta called "The Rake",

it was hairless, and ugly.

Kuru asked Grandma Mary if we had any guests over. She simply said no, and said, "I am usually alone in the house. After Grandpa died, no-one has been here." Kuru was confused and said who was that, pointing to the wall but Grandma Mary didn't see anything."Hunny, you're hallucinating. Here, take some ocean water, the salt should calm you down. Kuru takes the ocean water, and the monster starts to multiply. "Grandma, there's more of them." "Oh my gosh, I gave you my medicine, your water is right there." Grandma Mary said, pointing to the wall which where the "Monster" was standing at. Kuru was scared, he ran to his room and went to sleep

Kuru woke up at three in the morning, and heard screaming. Kuru jumped out of his bed and ran to the screaming noises and saw Grandma Mary screaming at the wall, "GET AWAY!, GET AWAY!" Kuru was scared and ran back upstairs to grab the phone to call the cops, the cords were cut and the phone was..... Gone.... Kuru opened the glass door, which led to a balcony and yelped,"HELP USSSSS!!" But surely nobody heard because they were surrounded by trees, and mountains, the town was on the other side of the mountains. Kuru gave up, and tried to help Grandma Mary, but she was gone. Blood on the floor, and blood on his hands. "Why are there blood on my hands? I didn't help her yet.

Later that day, Grandma Mary was still on the ground, already molding, and it was disgusting. Kuru looked up and noticed that the "Monster" he had been noticing was shown on a mirror... Kuru noticed, he was the killer. He was frightened, he kept saying "how" and "why" he went straight to the kitchen and took three garbage bags and then went to the room his grandma was in and picked up the disgusting, molding flesh and found a working phone so she called the cops and then her perents. The cops arrived 20 minutes later followed by his parents and the man his grandma was currently dating. His mom and dad arrived sad and kept asking " What happened?" and " How did this happened?". He kept telling them he doesn't know, it just happened so quick. The next minute later he was going home thinking " What did i just do" and " Oh my god if they find out i murdered Grandma i will serve life sentence"

written by the original owner-Moekah and the co-owner Zainabou

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