Start from the beginning

"Mm, babe. You shouldn't of done that." Curly chuckles as he puts his last card down.

He smirks as he reaches forward to count his books. He definitely beat her again by far. Daisy groaned as she threw her cards down also, looking at Curly with a silly grin.

"You're cheating!" She declares. "It's damn near impossible to be able to have the exact books as your bid."

"I'm just that good." Curly grinned. "Admit it and it'll be easier."

"You're cheating and I'll find out how."

"Oh yeah?" Curly asks.


He throws the rest of the cards together in a messy pile and leans over to press a soft kiss to her lips. Daisy giggles through the kiss and he can't help but smile when he pulls away. He stared down at her dark brown eyes without saying anything, just glancing at the golden cross the was shining on her neck. He sighs and moves to lie on his back.

"Curls.." Daisy trails off as she leans on Curly's chest.


"Tell me what's on your mind." She sighs lightly. "I know something's been up."

He bites his lip and thinks back to that night with Jose. The words and family secrets running through his mind and the guilt from staying away from Angela. He never had time to recover from it, instead he spent his time sleeping and selling to keep his mind off of it. And if that wasn't bad, he was developing nightmares from the night he got jumped. It was beginning to be too often when he wake up with his palms sweaty and heart beating too fast for his own good.

"I just found out something about my family...they hid it from me my whole life til now. Til Jose told me. Just tryna recover from it."

Daisy sighed as she looked down at Curly.

"Curls. You've gotta live your life for you." She whispers, running her fingers through his hair. "Its gonna be hard to accept it but you have to. To move on.. Whatever it may be will keep holding you back."

He's aware that it's true. Daisy's wise words of wisdom were always true and spot on. It was just the fact that he wasn't ready to face the truth. He didn't like thinking about it around her, instead he focused on having her in his arms. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep, he had grown used to her doing that now. As soon as he noticed her eyes squinting, he knew she'd be sleep soon. He had developed a habit of staying for a little bit, sometimes a few minutes, sometimes a few hours. Once he left, he was back into the warzone of his thoughts. They were jumbled and mismatched and they always left him completely confused. Ever since the night of the jumping he kept wondering what could've happened. Would he have died?

He had been jumped before but there was something about the damn screwdriver pressed in his back that really messed him up and had him feeling different. He'd dream about it and the screwdriver with different scenarios, sometimes he'd dream about his childhood and leading up to that night, or then he'd have a dream about someone dead. There would be blood everywhere and he'd bolt up, soaked in sweat and overheated, his heart racing. He could never make out the face or if it was a guy or a girl. Just that they were dead and he had blood on his hands.

He figured that's why he preferred staying at Daisy's. Knowing that she'd be there if he started having the nightmares again. He never had problems with them until he had gotten older and that drove him to his insomnia. It helped to have someone else beside him, and if he needed to talk to her she would be there. She offered to read him a Bible verse and sometimes he'd let her, he couldn't remember them but for the time being they made him feel comfortable. Comfort was what he needed. He was sure of that.

"I wanna show you something." Jose says once Curly walks up the steps in the late afternoon.

Curly rubs at his eyes, barely getting any sleep before he climbed out Daisy's window and went walking and smoking. Jose had been waiting for him in the arm chair, sipping on a beer with a strange look on his face. Jose stands up and motions for Curly to follow him to the closet. He turns the light on and the two stand in the dark room, the only light was a light bulb hanging above their heads.

"Things are changing and you need to be protected, chico." Jose say.

He could smell the alcohol on Jose's breath and it made him sort of uneasy. He didn't have a good feeling about what was happening. Jose reaches in a box and opens it, holding the black metal up to Curly's face. "You're gonna need this. Think of it...as you girlfriend." Jose commented.

Jose held the gun out and point it in Curly's hand. It felt cold and hard. He had seen guns before but he was never allowed to have one of his own in case he did something stupid. It felt foreign to him. Made him uneasy. Curly couldn't reply, all he could so was stare down at the gun and think of what would be next

Down to ride to the bloody end, me and my girlfriend

anyone. I hope you guys enjoyed, please leave a comment if you did! Just a warning there might be a smut chapter coming up! there will be multiple warnings at the beginning of the chapter. Part I should be coming to a close soon. Yes, something major is about to happen. Thanks for reading!

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