1~ Bree: School

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    I was walking to school with my twin sister Grace. "I'm kinda nervous..." I said. "D-don't worry we'll be ok.. *mumbles* I hope" she says.

We were in highschool and we were seniors. We always stood by each other's side.

   "Okay...." We entered the school. We immediately saw our friends and we ran over to them.

Their names are Denis, Elijah, Ethan, Braden, Alex and Sub.

  "Hey Bree! Hey Grace!" They all said. Me and Grace said "hello!" and hugged them but apparently, the girls heard us and walked over to us with their snobby walk.

There was a group of girls that would always bully us for no reason. Their names were Isabella, Mya and Ali.

   I started to get nervous. And I could tell Grace was nervous too.

The main reason why they bullied us, was because we hung out with boys...Ugh!

   "Hi losers" Isabella, the leader, said in Grace's face. I pushed her away and said "Leave us alone!" "No! This is just to much fun." Ali said cackling. Grace started to get fed up and she smacked her. Her jaw dropped and her eyes were wide. Her face soon turned red and she shoved Grace against the locker and she fell down.

    Denis said "oh no..." Then, I punched Ali in her nose and eye. She pushed me to the ground. Grace stood up and yelled "DON'T TOUCH MY SISTER!!!" She pulled Ali off of me and Ali fell to the floor. She hopped up as her squad stared in awe. Grace helped me up and we both stood where we did before everything went down.

I looked back and saw the principal with two security guards. I ran leaving Grace....

Thank you so much for reading our first chapter. Something to know, bold is important information and italics is thoughts. Later!! ~Bree💙

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