chapter 5: say nothing

Start from the beginning

"No music, then. We could stop and get something to eat if you want? There's a great Thai place a few blocks out." Adam waits, then huffs out a sigh when he gets no response once again. "Okay, I know you're mad."

"Nah, what gave you that idea," he says sarcastically, reluctantly turning away from the window to send Adam his best glare. "What the hell were you thinking?"

Adam quickly takes in Trevor's face and comes to his own conclusion. He shoots him a glare of his own before refocusing on the street. "Oh, don't tell me you're pissed because I'm a guy?"

"No, asshole, I'm pissed because you can't go around kissing people without their consent." He's never cared to make a big deal out of it, but Trevor is bisexual. His closest friends know that, but Adam doesn't. And now isn't the most ideal time to mention it. "Didn't you learn that shit in grade school?"

There's silence after that, Trevor's words resonating with Adam. After a moment, Adam nods. "You're right. I guess I just saw our faces up there and ran with it. But that's not okay, and I'm sorry."

Trevor nods, but doesn't say anything. He stays quiet the rest of the ride. Adam keeps taking furtive glances at him when there's a break in traffic or they pull up to a stoplight, as if he wants to say something more. He ultimately makes the choice to stay quiet as well.

When they arrive at his apartment, Trevor is still silent as he gets out and closes the door behind him. He makes a move to head towards his door, but his conflicting thoughts stop him in his tracks. Does he really want to leave things like this?

"Hey." He looks over his shoulder to see Adam's rolled down the window and is leaning against the middle console. His stare is almost nervous as he fiddles with the blue steering wheel cover under his left hand, plucking a few loose strings. "Are we cool?"

And Trevor doesn't really know how to answer that. Because yes, Adam is his friend, but that doesn't negate his feelings. He's still upset, as he has every right to be. Yet that doesn't mean he's ready to close the door on their friendship. He just needs time. Trevor leans against the open window, staring Adam straight in the eyes as he tells him, "We will be."

He pats the hood of the car as he backs away, then turns on his heel to head towards his home without looking back. Even though he considers it when he hears Adam drive away only when Trevor's started unlocking the door. But he doesn't because there's too much to say and no way to say it. So, he lets it go for now.

Once inside, he calls out to Akira and gets no answer, letting him know he's home alone. He tosses his keys on the coffee table before dropping onto the sofa, letting his feet dangle over the edge. He closes his eyes and tries to get that kiss out of his mind, but there's no ignoring the distinct taste of the tangy pickle relish from the hot dog mixed with the pungent sweetness of the cotton candy on his lips. It's infuriating as well as intoxicating, and it's annoying as hell that he's able to experience both emotions at once.

Trevor heaves himself up to rinse out his mouth and take a hot shower.


Later, after Trevor's washed all thoughts of Adam away — and skirted around the kiss and what followed when discussing the game with Akira over a dinner of thin crust pizza on the couch — he jumps into bed in nothing but his Spider-Man boxers. It's not a hot night, but whenever Akira's home, they agreed on letting him control the temperature in the apartment. He keeps it noticeably less cold than Trevor would like.

The gentle hum of the AC lulls him to sleep within minutes, and he drifts off to dream about when he got the call to come down and tryout at the PC. He still remembers it so clearly, and he's thankful to his subconscious for letting him relive it. A few details are changed, like the day and the tie Hunter is wearing, but the main theme remains the same.

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