Chapter 1- The Red Head

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(Toni's POV)

When I walked into school that morning almost everyone looked at me, but that's not anything new, because I'm the bad girl from the Southside. The girl everyone feared. The girl almost all the guys wanted but would never get. But something was different that morning. I usually just walk to my locker but that morning someone caught my eye. She had her red hair pulled back into a braid that let only a few strands of hair fall around her beautiful face. She had large glasses and braces that made her look even more beautiful. She was talking to girl with blond hair that was in a tight, high ponytail. As I passed by them in the hall way I recognize the blond as Betty Cooper. The good girl with great grades that is currently dating my best friend Jughead Jones. I didn't recognize the red head though.

Later that day as I'm walking to class someone runs into me or I run into them, I really have no idea. We both fall and the person that ran into me or whatever falls on top of me. I start to get angry but then I open my eyes and see the red headed nerdy girl from earlier. I take a deep breath and get a whiff of her perfume. It was cherry with a hint of vanilla. My eyes are level to her lips and I get a sudden urge to kiss her but she quickly rolls off of me and is on the floor trying to find her glasses. When I get off the ground I see her glasses and grab them.

"I found your glasses. Here." I say as I put them on her and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. 

She then says sounding scared and uncomfortable, "Th-thanks, I'm s-so-so-sorr-sorry. I, I d-didn't mean t-to." 

"Its fine, it was my fault. I should have been paying attention, oh and my name's Ton- ", I was saying when I got interrupted by the head cheer leader, Veronica Lodge. 

"Hey nerd, why don't you get yourself a makeover you ugly pigeon!" 

I quickly stand up for her. "Hey! What the fuck! Leave her ALONE or ELSE!" I practically scream at Veronica. 

"Oh what are you gonna do, you trashy Serpent scum?" 

"Just cause you're rich doesn't mean I couldn't beat your ass till you hurt everywhere for weeks so just LEAVE. HER. ALONE. And don't make me say it ever again!" 

With that Veronica just scoffs and walks away. 

"So like I was saying, I'm Toni." 

"I-I know. W-we have b-been in the same g-grade since I moved h-here." 

"Really? Oh I guess I never noticed you before." I say with a wink.

"I-I'm Ch-Cheryl Blossom." 

"Well it was nice to finally meet you." I wink her again and I see her face and ears get cherry red.

(Cheryl's POV)

When Toni winked at me I instantly felt my face get hot and my heart beat faster. I just look at her or actually I pretty much stare at her while she walks away. 

"Cheryl!" I hear my cousin Betty yell at me. "Cheryl! Earth to Cheryl!" she says as she waves a hand in front of my face. 

"Uhhh, what?" I say as I snap out of my trance. 

"Why was Toni talking to you?" 

"Uh I ran into her and then she stood up to Veronica for me." 

"Really? Well anyways let's get going to bio." 

"Uh ya, okay."

After school Betty and I went to Pops. When we walk in I run into a person. Again. We both fall but this time they are on top of me. My eyes then meet with the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes and right when I see them I know exactly who's they are. I know who's they are because I have looked at those eyes every day for years. Those eyes belong to non-other than Antoinette Topaz. She doesn't get off of me but just looks at me and smiles. We lock eyes and stare at each other for what felt like an eternity but was really only a couple seconds. 

"Uh hey Toni." Betty says. 

My face gets red as I roll away and get off the floor once Toni got off me.

"Hey Betty. Hey Cheryl. I didn't know you two were friends." 

"Oh ya we have been since we were little." I say. 

"Ya I am also Cheryl's cousin." Betty says. 

"Oh that's cool. Well I'll see you guys at school tomorrow." Toni says. 

I can see her eyes scan me up and down my body as she lightly bites her lip. Seeing her do that makes my face go bright red and makes a shiver go up my spine. 

"So, Cheryl, it seems like Toni likes you?"

 "How would you know that?" I ask her. 

"Do you not see the way she looks at you? She looks at you like a lion looks at a gazelle." 

"Are you really comparing her looking at me to the way a predator looks at its prey?" 

"Uh, ya but she really does. She looks at you like that and it is soooooo obvious Cheryl! But isn't this a good thing because I know you've liked her since 7th grade." Betty says veryyyyy loudly.

 "Sshhhh! Betty! Be quiet! I don't want anyone to know!" I say. 

"Fine I'll be quiet. But why don't you try to be friends with her and then maybe she'll ask you out." 

"I don't know I'll see. Let's just get our food." 

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