Reason #1: Creepy

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Me: Hey! I'm having a panic attack!

Lucy: What?! Why?!


Lucy: *snickers* Chorus? Even I know you can't sing.


Lucy: Okay, okay, calm down.

Claude: *wraps an arm around her, hugging her* Shh just breathe.

Me: Lucy! ITS talking to me again!

Lucy: Yes ma'am, right away, ma'am. *grabs Claude, dragging him away* Leave her be, she's introducing a chapter.

Me: *clears throat* Aight so lets watch my hate for "it" slowly grow and blossom, like a rose in bloom.

Lucy: Like a cheetah! Or a fart!

Me:....or an even better analogy that! On with the chapter!

(Lilys P.O.V)

   I looked up at the manor before me with a bored expression. It was only ten o' clock so I wasn't on that level. By that level I mean awake. Beside me, Sebastian was a worried mess. He looked calm to the human eye, but I knew better.

   I smiled reassuringly at him, seeing him visibly calm down. God were these Trancy people that bad? I shrugged and was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts as a pale, golden eyed male with glasses opened the door. He must be this 'Claude' person I was told of.

   The butler of the Trancy estate or whatever. "Hello, Lord Phantomhive, " he spoke. His voice was deep and...creepy. He was very monotone and boring. Like a statue or, Kristen Stewart. He stepped to the side and we walked in. I looked over at Sebastian, he looked...worried.

   I was about to ask when I heard a voice in my ear. "Oh and welcome, to the Trancy estate," he whispered, catching me by surprise, on instinct I punched him in the throat, causing him to fall back, coughing. "DO NOT APPROACH ME, WHEN I'M NOT EXPECTING YOU!" I shouted, clearing my throat.

   I sighed. So far its been five minutes, and I've been voice assaulted by a random butler. How could it possibly get any worst? Oh thats simple. "Claude!" I heard a sing-song voice cry. My eyes widened as I saw an average sized, very flamboyant, blonde haired boy, sashè his way down the stairs. I looked at Ciel and Sebastian who looked like this was a totally normal thing. "Uh, are we having, homosexuals over for dinner?" I murmured, earning two shrugs.

   "Ah, these must be our guests!" he said, clapping his hands together and lifting his leg femininely. He was wearing very short booty shorts. He walked up to me and gasped. "Oh my god," he said. I froze, not knowing what do when he squealed. "Where did you get that jacket?! It is simply marvelous!"

   Holy shit. Hide your wine coolers its the fashion police! "Oh this old thing?" I said. "Just a gift. I absolutely adore your shorts." He chuckled, holding out a hand. "I am Alois Trancy," he introduced and I shook his hand. "Please, follow me outside."

   I nodded and was about to start walking when I was stopped by a voice. "Excuse me, your highness," Claude said. "Sebastian and I need to have a word in private." Alois waved him off dismissively and we proceeded to following him.

   He lead us to a large table set outside. Ciel and Alois sat across from each other and I sat in between them. The butlers returned and set our meal. I was the only one to give a thank you to Sebastian since I don't like treating him like a butler.

   We ate in silence for a few minutes before Alois spoke up. "So, Lily is it?"he said. I nodded, picking up my glass of water. "Claude never shuts up about you!" I raised an eyebrow, taking a sip and motioning him to keep going. Alois smirked. "Yes, I think you two would make a wonderful couple." I immediately spat up my water.

   I stared coughing. "E-Excuse me?!" I said, shooting Claude a glare and owning a wink in return. Oh so that's how you wanna play it statue freak? Fine. I smirked. "Well, as much as I'd love to be in a relationship with that..." I looked him over. "Thing. I already have a much better, much emotive boyfriend." I saw Claude visibly tense and looked back at my meal in triumph.


(Sebastian's P.O.V)

   "Excuse me, your highness," Claude said. "Sebastian and I need to have a word in private." I narrowed my eyes and followed Claude to a secluded room. He smirked. "I see you brought your...friend," he said. I growled. "She is mine Faustus!" I snapped.

   He chuckled. "You mean your meal?" I froze. "What do you mean?" I responded. He grinned. "Oh please," he said. "I can smell her soul from here. Its even better than that incessant brat of yours." He licked his lips. "I cannot wait to devour it."

   I snarled at him, eyes glowing fuchisa as I pinned him against the wall. "You will not touch her. She is mine, and mine only," I growled. He smirked, satisfied by my answer. "So you are going to kill her than." My eyes widened. "Of course not! I love her," I said quietly. 

   Claude scoffed. "Oh please," he mocked. "Demons can't love. And even if they could, even if you could, her scent would drive you mad and eventually, you will kill her and devour her soul." A smirk ghosted onto his lips, in a creepy, crooked way. I let him go, thinking it over.

   He swiftly took out his pocket watch and looked at the time before clicking it over. "It appears it is lunch time," he announced, walking away and leaving me standing there, mouth agape like an idiot. I quickly shook myself out of my trance-like state and followed him back to everyone else.

   I helped him set lunch while looking at the ground, lost in thought. I'm not going to kill her. I won't kill her. I love her...I was suddenly snapped out of my trance as Ciel chuckled softly to something Lily said, leaving Claude speechless and angry and Alois twitching in annoyance.

   As Everyone finished eating, Alois grabbed Ciel and skipped away with him, heading into the garden, leaving Lily alone with Claude and I. "Would you like a tour of the mansion, My Lady?" Claude said, appearing behind her, whispering in her ear.

   I grit my teeth, hands bawling into fists at my side as I saw him flirt with my girlfriend. "Alone, of course," he added. I saw Lily think it over. "Yeah sure why not?" she said, shrugging and standing from her chair. I gaped at her. "B-But, Lily, " I managed.

   She walked over to my cupping my cheeks. "Dont worry," she reassured. "He's just a demon. Nothing I cant handle. If anything happens, I'll call you and chop his hands off, okay? You go make sure, Sarah Jessica Parker over there doesn't her pirate boy."

   She pecked my lips and I nodded. "Alright," I said, giving up. I hugged her close one more time before sending Claude a warning glare and walking into the garden. "Right this way, My Lady," Claude spoke, walking into the manor as Lily followed. I growled silently. If he so much as layed a finger on her, I would chop him up into tiny pieces and leave him for my crows. She's mine.

Me: And that concludes Chapter One! Yay! Nineteen more to go. *sighs exasperatedly*

Claude: So now we finally get some...alone time *eyebrow wiggle*

Me: *punches him in the stomach*

Lucy: Stop hurting my Claudey-poo!

Me: Fight me. You won't!

Lucy: Well! Yeah I won't. *hugs Claude*

Me: That's what I thought. Now, on a more serious note, I'll be putting this is my other book two but if you don't know, I don't know if its true or not, but apparently people are reinacting the purge in Louisville, Kentucky and shit. I don't want to scare anybody or anything but just incase it is real, any fans in Kentucky, stay safe please! ^-^ Thanks lovlies. Stay fabulous



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