Act Three

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And so, time progressed. Life went on as usual; Willow woke up and dressed herself for work. She tied her black hair back into pigtails like she always did, kissed her brother on the cheek goodbye on the way out of their shared townhouse, and walked two blocks down the street to her job at the flower shop. Yes, life truly was the same as always, with one big exception.

Willow had a crush.

As hard as it was to admit, it was true. Willow the florist was hopelessly crushing on Wigfrid, the rowdy and outspoken actress that she'd met only two weeks ago. Oh, what a predicament she was in, having no previous dating experience that she wholly enjoyed and therefore having no way of knowing how to confess or even if she should at all. If this worked, this could be one of the best decisions of her post-college life; if not, then well...she had a lot of heartbreak in store for her then, didn't she?

It was now the day of Wigfrid's opening show at the theatre, and Willow was nervously pondering the exact idea of confessing to the actress after her show. Was it too soon? Was Wigfrid into women? And if so, was she her type? Were they even compatible or would they be better off as just friends? What if she got rejected and they never spoke again and Willow would die alone in a ditch wearing a clown costume?

Wilson knew, of course. He'd known since the beginning, but his sister only decided to break the news to him the night before. Of course he was supportive of her, although he was supportive in quite a teasing way. Willow didn't mind it, but his joking didn't help ease her nervousness much. As she stood behind the front counter of the flower shop, she held her phone in her hand, frantically texting Wilson at a speed that practically broke her shaking fingers.


Willow: bro when I tell you i'm a nervous fucking wreck rn

Wilson: dude chill out, go snort some pollen or smthn

Willow: hurr durr very funny

Wilson: seriously, lavender is an effective form of aromatherapy for treating stress.

Willow: ok nerd boy, tell me something I don't know

Willow: like for example how the FUCK i'm supposed to confess to this girl tonight

Willow: how did you and maxwell get together

Wilson: ...

Wilson: long story involving two rabbits, a pint of beer, and his bitch ass assistant.

Wilson: not getting into it now

Wilson: but I don't know how the fuck to confess to ppl either since he's the one who told me. so.

Willow groaned and slammed her forehead against the counter. So much for turning to him for help!


Willow: thanks, cucklord

Wilson: np uwu

Willow: goddamit, do not use that face ever or you'll be sleeping in the streets

Wilson: what? owo

Willow: i'll kill you

Wilson: do it, pussy

Of course Wilson wasn't taking this seriously. Willow rolled her eyes. She'd already turned down every other suggestion they'd googled and asked him about and came up with themselves. Nothing seemed like it would make for a satisfactory confession at this point. Nothing, it seemed, until her phone buzzed with a few more texts from her brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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