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Dreams. They're weird. In his, Chris sees a large baby running around the city, crushing every car and obstacle, and is apparently, chasing him. The large baby almost catches him as he runs into a dead end, until...

"Oi, Takeyama-san, Takeyama-san!" Chris felt his hand and body shaken by an unknown force which is revealed to be his co-worker, forcing him to wake up from his short nap on the 5 year old recording console.

"You okay? You slept like a rock for 10 minutes. Been trying to wake you up but..." Chris straigthen his body, stretching his body while rubbing his right eye.

"What time is it?"

"It's 8 past 23. Guess the overtime lately has been taking a toll on you, huh?" Satoshi took a cup from the desk, tapping it on his friend's right cheek. "Want some coffee?"

"Is that a mocha latte?" Chris took a peek at the contents of the white ceramic cup. "Nope." Satoshi grins, as the Blonde stands and dons his mantle.

"You know I don't drink regular coffee." Satoshi could only smile. "Anyway, I'm going to get some coffee. Take care of things here I'm gone." Chris added, followed by a thumbs up from his subordinate.

"Hey, Chris," the 25 year old stopped in his tracks, turning back to face his friend. "Remember when you first came here? You were still a fresh graduate back then. You were short, timid, your hair was messy, and your clothes were all basic work clothes." Satoshi examined Chris from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet, gaining a complain from the latter. 'Hurry it up'.

"But, look at you now. All dressed up like a pro. Your blonde hair slicked back, you wear a suit, your body built, and you look handsome af."

"That's all?" Chris looks bored. He could no longer keep up with his friend's antics without any coffee.
"Yup, that's all" Satoshi waves his hand, giving Chris approval to leave the office. "Now, go."

It has been 3 years since the day he first arrived in that studio. After graduation, his dad hooked him up to a job as a studio recorder. Jobless, he reluctantly took the job as a way to gain some easy buck until he found a stable job.

Well, that was his original motive. He never knew that he had a knack for it. In just 2 years, he climbed from the position of 'Studio Recorder' to a 'Record Producer'. Although it gained a few disapproval from some veterans who had to work for years without any progress, the orders that came from the higher-ups gives them no time and ability to complain.

Well, it's all in the past now. The current Takeyama Chris could only care about getting coffee to wake his body up, lest he wants to sleep while doing overtime and getting his pay reduced.

After a 5 minute walk from the office, Chris arrived at Moonluck, a nearby coffee shop which he frequents. It's a small shop, with a 'jazz theme', as the owner proclaims.

The walls are made from dark coloured bricks, with yellow lights lighting the walls every meter. The shop inventory itself, is quite common for coffee shops nowadays. A couple of relaxing sofa each facing a small round wooden table, a few high and low table with high and low chairs respectively, a dozen of hanged pictures on the wall depicting pictures of coffee, a small chalkboard listing the menu and their price, and a faint music playing in the shop.

This shop was never his first choice. He frequents only due to the fact that it is fairly close to his office, and he doesn't want to spend travel 1.5 km just to get a 250¥ cup of coffee.

But lately, Chris has started to love this place. He himself, doesn't know why. Is it because of the relaxing atmosphere given by the faint jazz music and cold air in this late Autumn? Or is it because he is just tired from the overtime lately?
Anyway, he doesn't even bother anymore.

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