"What are you thinking about?" I ask, fighting my hate of making the first step.

"You," she smiles at me.

And my cheeks redden. I almost want to smack her. It's not even right to make me blush like that.

"And other than that?"

"That's pretty much it."

A grin won't leave my face, but I try to control it, "And what exactly are you thinking about me?"

"That I'm lucky to be by your side."

She really is doing this on purpose, "Yeah, okay."

"You don't believe me?"

"I know those stupid lines."

"They're not stupid if they're truthful."

"Define truthful."

She sucks on her lip ring before looking back down at me, "I've enjoyed your presence a lot since we've met. It's impacted me, in such a way that, I think about you a lot."

I love the way she talks. It's so - eloquent. I love her voice too, but that's just because the huskiness is so sexy.

"I like the way you talk," I tell her my thought. "You carefully pick your words and that's what I like the most."

"I'll admit that I'm more on the literary side," she smiles sheepishly.

My hand brushes hers as we walk, which makes my heart throb. I loathe how my body reacts to attraction towards others. I can't even pretend to dislike them; my body illustrates it all by itself.

"I am as well. It's just not as flagrant as when you speak."

"Someone who uses the word 'flagrant', is totally on the literary side," she chuckles.

I laugh along. We pass in front of an ice cream stand. I don't pay attention to it, but Dani sure does.

"What is it?" I turn to her.

"I want one," she tells me. "Do you?"

"Yeah, okay."

We walk closer and get in line. I order cherry and she gets chocolate. I'm about to pull out my wallet but Dani hands the money for both.

"I could have handled it."

"I take you out. I pay."

We continue our stroll, ice cream cones in hand, and decide to go through a park. It's nice out here. The air is cool. It's refreshing, given that the sun is hitting hard.

Someone yells, "Aye, Dani!"

We both turn to the blonde girl, one of Dani's friends. Her name's Alex I think? I'm not sure. Dani smiles at her and they do some kind of handshake. I thought only guys at my school did those things. Guess not.

"So, you do have a new bitch," she says to Dani, grinning at me.

I blink and gawk at her. Her new bitch? I don't even get an inkling of respect?

"She's not my new bitch. We're just hanging out," Dani defends me.

My scowl gets more pronounced when she replies, "Yeah, right. Y'all are fucking and won't admit it."

Dani shoots a deadly glare to her and she backs off.

"We're just hanging out," Dani repeats.

"All right, if you say so. See ya later, Dan," she tells her before walking off.

It's A Gay ThingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora