"Someone is feeling really tiny today."

Hoseok smiled and handed Taehyung to Jimin. Taehyung is today much more smaller than Yoongi, he is right now around 6 months old. Jimin put thin fleece blanket on carpet in the living room and laid Taehyung down. Then Jimin kneeled next to the blanket where is laying Taehyung.

"Hello handsome baby."

Taehyung babbles something and sucks on his pacifier.

"Yoongi come closer, don't be shy."

Yoongi shakes his head no and runs in his room. Why someone always steals all attention? Yoongi huffed and crossed his arms. Jungkook came to see why has Yoongi ran away.

"You don't want to have some friends?"

Yoongi only glared at him and Jungkook left. Angry little is angry little, there is nothing they can do. Meanwhile Yoongi is almost screaming in anger. After while he hears another new voices and thinks about going back downstairs. Yoongi sneaked out of his room and listen to what is happening downstairs.

"Seokjin stop or daddy will sit you in the corner!"

Yoongi peeked from behind the corner and sees black haired handsome man who is obviously a little. Next to him is standing another handsome tanned man who is now angry.

"Bad daddy!"

Seokjin stomped his feet because he doesn't know why daddy said no to his request. He saw amazing shoes on the internet and wanted to buy them but Namjoon said no. Seokjin stopped yelling after Namjoon landed few light smacks on his bottom.

"Jinie do you want to play with Tae?"

Jimin saved the situation because Seokjin adores Taehyung. Taehyung is like a living doll for Seokjin, he can dress him, feed him and sometimes even change his diaper. Jimin leaded Seokjin in the living room and Yoongi slowly walked downstairs because appa is holding box with chocolate cake. Yoongi sneaked inside the living room and sat down on couch. His appa and daddy smiled at their baby and handed him plate with piece of cake. Seokjin and Yoongi got sippy cup with milk to their cake and Taehyung got only bottle of warm formula. Hoseok is feeding his little and have to hold the bottle for him. After the cake is finished Jungkook and Hoseok go to work on their manga and Jimin with Namjoon are chatting together.

"Yoongi baby why don't you show your toys to Tae and Jin?"

Yoongi nodded and went to get some toys. He left Kumamon sitting on the couch and grabs some colouring books and set of crayons from his room. Then Yoongi goes back downstairs to the living room.


Jimin and Namjoon aren't there only Seokjin and Taehyung left and that's the problem. Taehyung somehow got to Kumamon and now he is bitting on ear of the poor stuffed bear.


Yoongi let go of the things in his arms and quickly snatched Kumamon from Taehyung's hands. On top of it he pushed startled Taehyung who fell and hit his head. After few seconds of angry glares between Yoongi and Seokjin Taehyung's sobs turned into loud wailing. Of course that the four daddies ran to see what is wrong. Hoseok quickly lifted his poor crying baby and searches for some injuries.

"He has internal bleeding for sure!!"

Hoseok is hysterical so Namjoon as a doctor took the crying baby from him.

"I can ensure you that his worst injury is this small red spot which is only rug burn."

Hoseok is angrily glaring at him because Taehyung is his baby and he knows better what is wrong.

"Yoonie did that!"

Seokjin pointed at Yoongi who is clutching Kumamon.


Jimin and Jungkook don't understand it. They thought that Yoongi would like to have some friends when he has none before.

"We don't hurt other people Yoongi!"

Jungkook gives him scary glare and then takes Yoongi's hand in his. He leaded Yoongi in his nursery and laid him down in the crib.

"You will spend some time in time out and think about what you did."

Jungkook takes Kumamon and other toys from the crib away and left. Yoongi is silently panicking. Now they are going to send him back. Only after two days! Yoongi is hysterically crying and Jimin is standing outside of his room. Jungkook said that they need to show him that he was bad boy but Jimin has weak heart. He endured Yoongi's crying for only four more minutes and then stormed inside.

"Go away daddy!"

Jimin stands there shocked and looks at Yoongi who has snots and tears running down his face.

"You send Yoongi back! Yoongi bad!"

Jimin quickly lifted Yoongi who weakly fights with him.

"We wont send you back. Ever! Do you understand!?"

Yoongi is crying and pushes Jimin away. Jimin sat him down on floor before he will drop him and then sat down in front of Yoongi.

"You cant hurt other people Yoongi! What made you so upset?"

Yoongi said what happened between strong sobs which are shaking with his whole body.

"Imagine what could have happened if Taehyung hit edge of the coffee table with his head?"

Yoongi calmed down a bit and stares at his daddy.


Yoongi hesitantly said and Jimin nodded.

"Yes! Big owie."

Jimin patted his hair and washed his red face with water.

Then he carried Yoongi back in the living room where he has to apologize to everyone. Hoseok is feeling bad that he was so hysterical. Maybe he should stop drinking so much coffee and energy drinks. After all his baby is okay and sleeps on wide chest of his daddy. Jungkook cooked pasta with meat balls and tomato sauce for lunch and soon Taehyung woke up because of the nice smell.

"How are you doing Tae bear?"

Jimin strokes his cheek and Taehyung giggled. Jimin is playing with his fingers and baby talks with him. Suddenly Yoongi rubs his head against his arm. Yoongi whined and tugged on his shirt.

"Me baby."

He is whining like kitten and Jimin stroked his hair too. Yoongi sobs few times and hugs Jimin around neck. Jimin pulled him in his lap and pats his back. Taehyung next to them is looking at them and then kicked his legs few times.

They all go in the kitchen and sat around the table. Yoongi is feeling bad that he hurt Taehyung so he let the small boy sit in his highchair and sat in lap of his appa. After lunch Hoseok headed home with his sleeping baby and Seokjin drags his daddy to the mall. Jimin prepared Yoongi for nap. Yoongi is exhausted after such long crying so he fell asleep during diaper change. Jimin is watching their small baby peacefully sleeping and stroked his milky white cheeks. Jimin is thinking why did Yoongi think that they will send him away. Yes, what he did was wrong, but he is theirs and they have already fallen in love with him and nothing can change it.

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