Can I Have This Dance?

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Based on Can I Have This Dance from HSM3

Harrison was supposed to be doing a photoshoot with Harry, so you decided to tag along and enjoy your day with H squared. The two of them had decided that they wanted to go and find some random spots in London. You loved tagging along to Harrison's photoshoots, first of all you loved seeing his face light up as soon as the camera was on him and second of all you for sure loved the banter between your boyfriend and Harry. Furthermore, Harry's pictures always turned out amazing and he was definitely the reason your Instagram game was always on point and that you had a folder on your phone full of pictures of Harrison and you.

You had been dating for about a year and a half and there was no lie if you said that Harrison was the best thing to ever happen to you. He was the sweetest and most caring boyfriend and he never failed to show you how much you meant to him although he was traveling around the world a lot and you didn't get to spent as much time with him as you would like to.

As the three of you arrived at the first location, Harry instructed Harrison to go sit on an old wooden staircase, so he could try and get a few shots of him on there. You settled down next to Harry, just looking at your handsome man doing what he loved almost as much as he loved you.

After a while you pulled out your phone and checked a few of your messages and caught up with some Instagram Stories and notifications. You saw that Tom had posted a new story of Tessa, immediately making you smile. Tom and you had been friends before he introduced you to Harrison. Your relationship was still described by Tom as the greatest achievement in his life and to be fair, you would still thank the boy to this day if he wouldn't do it himself already.

"Harrison, mate! Can you like ... look at me at one point? I get it, (Y/N)'s great, but like ... eyes here, bro." You heard Harry laugh. Looking up from your phone you caught your boyfriend's blue eyes looking at you. Harry had moved a little so he was no longer standing in front of you, but that didn't stop Harrison from directing his attention towards you.

"Would you shut up, mate?" Harrison laughed without breaking eye contact with you. You loved his smile, you loved how his eyes would light up and you loved how the little wrinkles around his eyes appeared when his smile reached them.

"Wanna take a break? I have to take a piss anyway." Harry rolled his eyes.

"You have no idea how to act around a girl, do you?" Harrison laughed as he got up from his place on the wooden staircase to make his way towards you.

"Where's a girl? I only see you and (Y/N)." Harry grinned, before going on an adventure to find a toilet.

"Fuck you, Harry." You shouted as you heard him laugh in the distance.

"You look pretty today." Harrison smiled as he stood in front of you.

"Only today, huh?" You grinned, making Harrison groan in response.

"Shut up, smartass. Come on, get up." Your boyfriend laughed at you, holding out his hand for you to take. He pulled you up, directly into his strong arms - arms that felt so soft wrapped around you. Harrison had been extra clingy and cuddly the past few days because he knew he was leaving with Tom soon, so he wanted to spend as much time with you as he could.

Your face was buried in the crook of your boyfriend's neck, which still showed some marks from last nights activities. Harry had groaned when he saw them, telling you to somehow fix it since it was your fault that Harrison looked that messed up. You had tried your best to cover the hickeys up, but they were still slightly showing, making you grin as you thought about your night.

"I love you." You whispered before placing a soft kiss on the boy's cheek. Harrison's thumb caressed your lips before he pulled you in for a passionate kiss.

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