Babysitting Duties

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Coming home from a trip to his family's house, Harrison unlocked the front door to the sound of kids music playing which was fairly odd considering he usually came home to your Drake or Post Malone Playlist playing and not some kids sing along songs.

Walking into the kitchen he found you walking around with a child in your arms, holding him with one arm while mixing some dough with your other hand.

"When were you thinking about telling me about our child?" Harrison grinned when he leaned against the door frame watching the two of you work your way around the kitchen.

Harrison and you had moved in together 6 months ago after Harrison had decided to get his own place in London. He had soon realized that he wasn't able to afford any of the places without a roommate. That's when he met you on a night out with friends. Hearing you complain about the rents in London, he felt like it was a good idea to ask you if the two of you wanted to get a place together - of course you agreed, seeing it was hard to get an affordable place on your own. One of your mutual friends told you that Harrison was a nice guy, so there was nothing speaking against it.

"You're so funny!" You rolled your eyes but smiled at your roommate who was still just standing there watching the two of you.

"So, who's the little one?" Harrison smiled and moved towards you to greet the child in your arms.

"Wanna tell Harrison who you are?" you asked the boy.

"Liam." The toddler smiled but buried his head in your shoulder soon after.

"Hi Liam, nice to meet you! I'm Harrison, how old are you?" The blonde boy smiled at the kid and squished his cheeks a little.

"He's almost three now and he's my nephew. My parents weren't able to look after him, so.. I'm his babysitter for the day and the night." you explained after Liam didn't answer Harrison's question. Of course you had talked to him about your family life and all that, but it wasn't like he knew all of the names and their relations between each other. The boy knew your parents, and had seen your sister a few times, but usually the two of you went over to your parents' houses.

"And he wanted cookies, but I ate all of our cookies last night, so.. here I am trying to make cookies with a clingy child in my arms."

"You look like you need some help" Harrison laughed as he took the bowl and started mixing the dough.

"Can I twy?" Liam mumbled as he watched Harrison use the whisk to mix everything up.

"Do you want to try mixing the dough?" Harrison smiled and held out the bowl as Liam nodded.

"See, now you take the whisk, and you mix all of the things in there until it looks like cookie dough." He handed Liam the whisk and the little boy started stirring the dough. After Liam didn't want to stir anymore, Harrison took over again while you prepared the baking trays.

"Thanks for helping, Harrison." you smiled after you put the trays in the oven.

"Thans fo hewping Hawison." Liam giggled and poked the boys leg which usually was a sign for the other one to pick him up.

"Do I pick him up now?" Harrison asked, looking at you.

"Come here buddy. What do you wanna do now?" he picked the little boy up after you nodded. Feeling already comfortable in Harrison's arms, the toddler buried his face in the blonde boys shoulder.

"Are you tired, Li?" you asked, putting a hand on the boys back. What you didn't realized was how close you had gotten to Harrison while doing that. The two of you harboured the biggest crushes on each other but there has always been this unspoken rule of not getting too close to each other. Making a move or start dating would make this whole living together situation so much weirder if it ended up not working out.

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