Ch.2: Ow Nigga.

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I deadass want Stokeley to come to my room tonight and Dominate TF outta me but that's besides the point. The picture is funny asf!!!!!

Before I even get started, I just want you guys to know how bad my fucking cheek hurts.

Like, imagine betting hit in the face with a brick, but that brick was really a fist that hit an unintended target. And let me also tell you...

I'm pissed as fuck.

Okay but anyways, I woke up some time later after the incident. I was in the nurse's office. Why couldn't these bitches take me to the hospital? My face feels like it's been broken.

I try to sit up but found out that that was horrible. My head hurt like a bitch. I must've fallen on it.

I heard shuffling from the other side of the curtain that separated my bed from the other, and then I heard voices. People we're talking the whole time but I couldn't register it due to the pain I was feeling.

"Mr. Goulbourne, he's resting. You can't see him right now." That's probably the nurse.

"I know that he's resting, I just wanna check up on him. I didn't mean to hit him. Honest." Stokeley responded. Wait, were they talking about Omar

"If you were really worried about how he is, you would've been more careful. You know every time you get in a fight other people end up getting hurt." She claimed. Oh my God her voice is annoying.

"If I wasn't worried then why did I carry him here to you, huh? Was that just me being a good student? Fuck no! That was me being worried about him. I sometimes don't know my own strength, and that's what got us here in the first place, but what I really need to do is apologize to him. Even if he's not awake to hear it."

Oh. So they are talking about me. Aweee, Stokeley is so sweet!

But I'm still mad asf tho so he has to do better than that.

You know what, lemme hear this "apology".

"I-I'm up." I say. I wasn't sure if I was loud enough but it turns out I was. Both Stokeley and the nurse came over and they had shocked looks on their faces. Probably because they didn't expect me to be up so soon.

"Well, Mr. Onfroy, you're up sooner than I thought you'd be. The office called your mom and told her what happened. She'll be here any moment now. How are you feeling?" The nurse asked.

"Ma'am. How do you think I feel? Imagine getting hit in the damn face by that." I say, motioning towards Stokeley. I gave him a death glare, even though doing that hurt my head as well.

Bitch Nigga.

"A-about that Jah, I'm really sorry. I didn't notice you were there. It was never my intention to hurt you in any way." He said. He seemed really serious. But I was still gonna draw it out.

Call me a bitch as long as you want, just put bad in front of it and I'll agree.

"My face feels like shit Stoke. I dunno if we can be the same anymore.." I said. My eyes watering at will.

Thank God 7th period is drama class.

"Oh. Shit. U-uh listen, listen. What do you need me to do to make it up to you?" He seemed frantic. Perfect.

"W-well," I start with a sniffle, " there's a rolled ice cream placed that just opened up 2 weeks ago. I've been dying to go, but I couldn't because I don't have a car. Could you take me tomorrow?"

I guess the nurse figured out my plan because she looked at me with disgust. I turned around, stared at her and said, "You know what ma'am, we're having a conversation. Do you mind stepping out? Or better yet, see if my mom made it here."

She looked shocked but she ended up walking out anyways.

"Well, what do you say?" I say, turning back to Stokeley.

"Anything it takes to have your pretty self smile at me again."

"Oh, well aren't you the charmer, Mr. Goulbourne?"

"Well, let's just say, we have someone worth being charmed." He says, biting his lip.

He grabs my face and I really thought that he'd kiss me. At least, I was hoping so. But that wasn't the case.

"That's gonna look really bad by tomorrow. Shit, I'm really sorry Jah." He was inspecting my face.

"I know you are. I'll forgive you after the ice cream." I reply.

Soon after, my mom came and she was pissed. She's actually really violent when she's pissed, and I had to keep her away from clawing Stokeley's eyes out. After she took me home early, I told her that it was an accidental and how Stokeley apparently was the one who took me to the nurse.

I walked up to my room and Saw Jarad's things sitting on the other side, along with an air mattress.

"Ma! Where's Jarad?"

"I told him to go to the store for some late minute groceries. I have to go to the next place on about 30 minutes, so I'mma hurry up and make something for y'all"

Oh shit momma's finna cook? 

Tough Luck, Rough Love {Slümptäçïøn}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora