“Get away from me.” The taller shoved his hand away.

“Anyway, will you support me?” He grins.

“Well, what will you’re trying to do this time?” The shorter appeared, but Doyoung can only gave them a foolish smile.

“Just this and that.” Doyoung then leave them confused.

He quickly goes where Yukhei and Jungwoo and sat beside them, smiling like a fool. The couple eyed him as soon as he arrived and look at him. “Oh, hi hyung.” Yukhei greeted him.

Believe him, he just wants to have fun. Nothing else.

“Hey.” He greeted them. “So Yukhei, who’ll be your partner?”

“Of course it’s Jungwoo.” He answered quickly then hold Jungwoo’s hand and intertwine their fingers.

“He will? But teacher said, we must choose someone in our class. So basically, you and Jungwoo are not allowed to be together.” Doyoung then made a face.

“He did? I don’t remember he said such a thing.” Jungwoo rubbed his nape then rest into Yukhei’s chest.

However, what Doyoung stated sounds something else? Like, he and Jungwoo are not allowed to be together?

“Because you’re not listening well. So anyway, you and Mark should be the partners. Then Jungwoo and I, don’t worry dude, I’ll be gentle.” Doyoung winked at the last part. “So, let’s go.” Then he stood up and took Jungwoo with him.

Yukhei left dumbfounded, he also felt strange when he said I’ll be gentle. Like what the fuck he’s trying to say?

"Wait hyung!"

"Let's just go Jungwoo." Doyoung pulled him more.

"What do you mean you'll be gentle? You're creeping me out." Jungwoo asked him so the older eyed Jungwoo for a second before smiling.

"Am I creepy? Your boyfriend is creepier."

"Oh let me go, I know what you're trying to do hyung. I'm not that stupid. Don't bother me." Jungwoo rolled his eyes before losing from Doyoung's hand and walk away.

Doyoung scratched his ear. "How did he know? He's not smart." He shook his head before following Jungwoo.

Each of them should follow the demonstrator of the taekwondo by partners and their teacher also reminded them to be careful on their moves.

Yukhei glance Jungwoo.

Damn, he's always looking good. He couldn't do anything but to smile.

"Hey man, focus." Mark chuckled then slapped the taller playfully.

"I know what I'm doing man." Yukhei then tried to lift Mark and he did. The boy wince because of the sudden move.

"Fuck Wong Yukhei! That's so sudden."

Yukhei giggled then eyed Jungwoo again but his smile disappeared when he noticed that Doyoung is clinging to Jungwoo. It's unsual for him to be like that.

It's quite disturbing.

However, he chose to shrugged it off.


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