The past three years (Peter is still somehow 15)

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Since Civil War and Homecoming, Peter and Tony have become really close. Peter has met Rhodey, and they instantly bonded over being confused by Tony's actions. Pepper adored him within five seconds of meeting him. Thor liked him, and for some reason, seemed impressed that he could lift his umbrella. Peter and Loki bonded over being underestimated, though Tony, for some reason, didn't want Peter around Loki and always freaked out when they were in the same room. In the tower and compound, everyone knows him and calls him 'mini Stark'. Peter had the same clearence level as Tony and Peper, level 12. Rhodey and Happy had level 11. He had his own floor and had a room right next to Tony's. May was away for two years in collage for nurses, so she and Tony pretty much shared custody of Peter. When the rest of the avengers finally signed the accords and got pardoned, Tony and the others (except Peter) were less than thrilled.
Rhodey, because he knew what Steve almost did and did do to Tony, after all, he and Peter were the ones to help him.
Pepper, because she knew that Tony and the others didn't really get along in the first place, she also had the same reason as Rhodey.
Happy, because he was worried the avengers would hurt either Tony or Peter, though he did try to hide it, he did care for the boy.
Tony, because of all those reasons, but mostly because he was worried Peter would like one of them more, or the opposite, that they would hurt him.
Peter didn't really know how to feel about this. He was a little nervous, but also excited. He didn't really hate any of them because he didn't know their side of the story, is what he'll tell you. The truth is, Peter just doesn't have a single bad bone in his body.
Thor, Loki, and Bruce also didn't know how to feel, they weren't there, so they couldn't really have an opinion on it. Though, they didn't want anyone getting hurt, but if they tried to hurt Peter, then they'd get involved. Thor and Loki we're almost as protective as Tony over him, though, Pepper is the closest to being as protective, but no one is as protective over Peter as Tony. The man nearly had a heart attack when Peter lifted an umbrella on the table to get to his homework under it. Thor claimed it was his umbrella in surprise as Peter handed it to him. Loki, Bruce, and Pepper however, were not surprised in the least. In fact, they each betted. Tony, of course betted that Peter could lift it, but was still surprised.
Peter didn't need a card to get into the tower or compound, no one with 12 clearence did. As of right now, the other avengers had clearence 7. When they got there, they didn't expect to see a 15 year old kid sitting on the private compound couch, eating fruity pebbles. The kid didn't seemed to see them yet.
"You're here early." The kid said without looking at them. Alright, maybe he did see them.
"Who're you?" Clint asked and the kid jumped and looked at them with wide eyes.
"Oh, sorry. I thought you were Mr. Stark, but even still, I thought you were supposed to come here tomorrow." The kid responded.
"Who are you?" Natasha asked threateningly, everyone expected the kid to shake and shudder at that, but instead said,
"Oh, I'm Peter! Nice to meet you." As he stood up and offered his hand to Natasha. Everyone, including Natasha, was shocked at how nonthreatened he looked. In fact, he smiled brightly at Natasha as she accepted his hand.
"Uh, what are you doing here, Peter?" Steve asked. No one told Peter it was Steve that injured Tony, so that's probably why he still smiled at him.
"I'm Mr. Stark's personal intern." That's the lie he was told to tell if asked.
"But your a kid, and Tony hates kids. I'm not buying it." Sam said, crossing him arms.
"Friday, is Peter Tony's personal intern?" Natasha asked.
"I can confirm that Peter is, infact, Mr. Stark's personal intern. He would also like to inform you to not go within 5 feet of him. And Peter, he would like me to inform you to stop calling him 'Mr. Stark'." FRIDAY confirmed and everyone else was shocked. They were even more shocked by Peter's response.
"Tell him I'll stop calling him Mr. Stark when he starts calling me by my actual name." He snapped.
"Mr. Stark says, 'Toche'." FRIDAY responded. One moment later, Rhodey comes walking in, only to stop dead in his tracks when he saw the rogues.
"Thought you guys weren't supposed to come until tomorrow." He said wearily as he got in front of Peter protectivly.
"We decided to come early." Natasha said, not backing down.
"Yeah, that doesn't excuse it." Tony said as he came walking in.
"Ok, who the hell is that, Stark?" Sam asked, gestering to Peter, whom was still behind Rhodey.
"Hey, Captin America doesn't like that language!" Peter scolded as he stuck his head out from behind Rhodey.
"Oh no, he's Stark's son isn't he? Oh no, I can't deal with another Stark. Why has God done this to me?" Clint murmured, but everyone could hear it.
"Actually, I'm not his-"
"He's my personal intern, if you must know. Now, since you decided that coming early without warning was a good idea, Friday, escort them to their rooms." Tony ordered and FRIDAY directed them. They were on one of the lowest floors, no where near Tony, Pepper, Peter, or Rhodey. Thor, Loki, and Bruce had way higher floors and clearences than them!
"You ok, kid?" Tony asked him once they were gone.
"Yeah, I'm fine. How did you get here so fast though?" Peter asked.
"I'm Tony Stark." Was his answer.
After a few hours, the rogues decided to go to the living room, only to find Peter, Tony, and Rhodey laughing at some movie they were watching while eating popcorn.
"Wait, is that supposed to be a real hug? Mr. Stark, you should know, is it?" Peter asked jokingly when two of the characters hugged. Peter laughed at the memory. Rhodey did too, only because Peter told him about it. Tony just rolled his eyes and smiled at Peter fondly. The rogues were confused, standing on the side of the room. Wasn't the kid an intern? Why was he watching a movie with them? Since when did Tony have inside jokes with interns? Why did the kid even know them?! Steve cleared his throat, indicating that they were there. The three snapped their heads over to them. Tony glared at them, which had taken them by surprise. Rhodey rolled his eyes and gave an 'ugh' sound. And Peter? He, being the innocent and pure kid he is, smiled at them and waved.
"Hi!" Peter said, trying to keep the tension light. Tony and Rhodey looked at Peter, then at each other, then sighed in defeat and just stopped looking at the rogues all together.
"Hi." Natasha responded. Tony snapped his head over to her again, obviously making sure she wasn't playing any tricks. Peter just smiled wider.
"Do you want to watch the movie with us?" Peter offered.
"Sure, what are you watching?" Steve asked with a small smile.
"Tangled." Peter answered. The rogues all sat around the living room, Peter trying to make sure they don't kill each other the whole movie. Until a certain clap of thunder could be heard from just outside the room.
"HELLO, AGAIN, MY FRIENDS! WE HAVE RETURNED!" Well this would be fun.

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