Poetic Soul (Part 1)

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Poetic Soul 

"Though I have suffered many trails

Pain has never engulfed all

Travels leading amiss

having no destination

Just a goal insight

hands reaching out

For it is not in reach

For all I know it is useless to even continue

I may walk though

never stoping"

I sigh to myself staring at it.Well It wasn't my best, but if the teacher saw it he might faint compared to the others.God and I had to read it out loud to.

I save it and sigh.I got to be the girliest guy ever! This is just sad! 

"Luke get youre butt down here or you will not see you PlayStation 3 for a week!"Mom yells up.

I look at the clock noticing I already missed the bus & have to walk to school.More like run.I grab my laptop putting it in my bag not having time to print anything or add more.

I kiss my mom good bye and run to school acting like there was rabid dogs behind me.

Truthfully I wanted to get to school in time so Jake -Mr.Olen's- didn't kill me! I like his class too much for that.....OK more like I like him.

I make it to school in time not stopping by my locker, just tripping into class right before the bell.I ignore the stares and take my seat in the back.I sigh catching my breath and focus my sight on Jake at the front.

He was the youngest teacher ever as far as I knew because he was only 24.He had a lean frame with not to big muscles, about 6'2'' tall, light brown hair that was naturally straight but would curl at the ends if it was too humid out, pale skin with a light tan, and bright green eyes......always making all the people in here pay attention more than usually possible even with his spectacles.His a pretty sexy beast in my book!

He starts calling people up to read what ever they came up with over this week sense it's the Friday before spring break.There's the few honest good ones, really idiotic ones, and the annoying obviously stolen from famous poet's ones.I get called up last.

I read my poem aloud smoothly and letting it have it's rhythm.When I'm done I let my eyes come up and meet Jake's.He had a shocked look then clapped smiling.Here's the thing about Jake, EVERYONE KNOWS HE'S GAY! He told us on the first day not wanting any sh*t about it.He still ended up being the awesomeness teacher in 12th grade.

"Very good."He said comeing up to get the paper from the printer I just sent it to in the corner.The bell rings and everyone files out.I'm just there stunned and staring at him."You going to be late to you next class Luke."He said giving me a smile for no reason.We actually had that weird teacher/studant friendship.It was rare to find them but we were actually becoming real friends.We 've even met after school to hang out sometimes.Never at school though so I had to wait tell he left at around 4:30.

"Oh and Luke!"He said catching my arm before the first kid came in."Come in here after last period ok?"He asked.I nod and move on to my next class wanting the day to go quicker than ever.


The day was so slow. I kept on staring at the clock waiting for the end of the day to see what Jake wanted, and I could call him Jake instead!

The bell finally rings and I head to my locker taking my time waiting for the all the kids to leave knowing there was no clubs today because of spring break.

"Jake?"I ask when I see him packing up his desks papers after heading into his classroom.

He looks up and smiles."Luke, I was wondering if you forgot."He said standing up straight.

I let my long bangs fall in my face hiding the blush at the quick thought of me saying 'never' and jumping on him.I mentally shake my head and tell my self to stop being a creep."Why'd you want me to come?"

"Thought I'd tell the only friend I got here that I'm quiting."He said not smiling as much any more now tossing the wooden apple up and catching it over and over.His fidgeting......

"Why!"I exclaim surprised.

"Because I'm going to do something stupid even though I know it's stupid."He said walking over to me.He was really close.

"Really?"I ask stupidly unnoticeabley getting a little closer to him myself.

"Yes, and you most likely wont like it."

"What -?"I start then I'm cut off by his lips landing on mine as he pushed me towards the wall.New question...when the f*ck did I start sleeping cause I must be dreaming.

His hand were on my ass and he grinded his hips into mine.He was not holding back and i think he would go further if I don't stop him.I wasn't going to stop him though.

I bring my arms up wrapping them around him, kissing back. Then I felt him pull back. I open my eye's still holding onto him."Why'd you stop?"I ask smiling and feeling drunk.

"Why'd you kiss back?"He said staring me in the eye's for answers for a change.

I smile at him calmly and cup his cheek."Yeah, but you kissed me first."

He pulls me off him stepping back and pinching the brig of his noise."I can't even leave like I planned now."He said after a minute.

"Wait did you plan on just kissing me tell what you expected of me to push you off then just leave?"I exclaim getting mad.

He gives a short no were near joy laugh."You forgot the part were I profess my love."He was still laughing after he said that.

"What?"I say dropping my arms.Was he serious........

He looks up at me jumping a bit like he didn't mean to say that out loud.He just stares at me for a minute then sighs.Then looks at me strongly standing tall.I look up at him still feeling that d*me hopeful ack in my chest.

"Luke, I fell in love with you.It probably started when we became friends."He says.

I feel the back of my eyes sting and I step up to him slipping my arms around his waist.He was a whole head taller than me! "I love you to."I say looking up at his shocked face.

He looks me in my blue eyes and I can see myself in his glasses.Small, long blond white hair with blue eyes and paler skin than his.He bites his lip for a sec making my heart thump a bit faster then he has a small smile picking me up and putting me on the the counter.

"Jake?"I ask when he lets me go still smiling.

"Luke I wonder if you would mind if I still quit but stayed in town."He said not explaining near enough for my stupid self to understand.

"Why do you have to quit?"

He gives me a small smile and runs his hand throw my hair quick."So I could have the chance to be with you."

I grin,"the only problem with that is I lose my favorite teacher."

"Can you deal with that?"

"Defiantly!"Then i grab him bringing him in for a kiss.


oh sweet part one....how you sing to be read........

Hahaha sorry sorry.Watched the weirdest movie ever and there was a little play about hamlet so I had to write something 

Anyway part one done part 2 more juicy!Woo!

love dis song btw



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