Chapter Eight: Mysteries and Suspicions

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Naoko silently searched the shelves in the library, searching for more books on hypnosis. She assumed she was alone, but in the library also was Megami's father, the head of Saikou Corp. He watched her curiously, deciding not would be a good time to test something. He picked up a round glass paperweight, throwing it at Naoko. She turned and caught it, her body acting before her mind could.
"Impressive, Tanaka-san." He said with a smirk, sitting at his desk. She looked at the heavy paperweight, not speaking. She had no clue why it was thrown at her, or how she'd managed to catch it so flawlessly. "Sit, please." He said, pointing to the seat on the other side of his desk. She walked over slowly and sat down, placing the paperweight back on the desk carefully. "You remind me of someone, Tanaka-san." He started. She looked at him curiously. She didn't think she was like anyone he had met, certainly not someone he would remember.
"I do?" She asked awkwardly, fiddling with her shirt. She'd changed clothes after arriving home and coming into the library. She'd wanted to wash Budo's spare martial arts uniform he'd leant her when her clothes had been soaked in dirty water and soap.
"Yeah. She was a very talented young assassin, you know. Probably had more kills than Saikou has had products." He laughed dryly at his own joke. She was silent, kinda wondering why he had chosen that of all topics to bring up with her. "She went missing about a week ago now, right around the time you showed up." He said, starting to get a little suspicious of her. Her arrival just seemed too coincidental.
"I wonder what happened to her." She said plainly. She didn't realise the person he was talking about was her, although he didn't know that either. They both had a suspicion though.
"I wonder too. Maybe it's best if we end this conversation for now. Until later, Tanaka-san." Without another word, the older man got up and left the library. She sighed softly and got up too. She went back to searching for any book on hypnosis, hoping she could find one with some answers.

That night Naoko was sat in bed reading, completely unaware of the time. The one thing that did make her aware of her surroundings was the door opening. She looked up and saw Kencho entering her room, a sick smirk plastered on his face. He closed the door and locked it, walking over to her. Naoko felt powerless to move, just watching the younger boy.
"Looks like it's just us again." He said plainly, getting on to the bed. He took her book from her and put it on the bedside table, pinning her down. "I know you told my sister what happened, and I know she didn't believe you. Nobody will ever believe you." He said, dragging his finger down her cheek. She watched him, getting more on edge. He'd hurt her once, what was stopping him hurting her again? "I could beat you if I wanted to. Black and blue all over and nobody would believe I did it. Get on my bad side and I may just do that." He threatened with a small smirk. She remained silent, watching him. He was the one in control now, and he could and did whatever he wanted again.

Naoko arrived at school like normal, only today she'd walked alone. She didn't really want to be with Megami right now, especially since she didn't believe her brother was abusing her emotionally and sexually. Then again, she didn't really want to be alone with her thoughts. She wanted to talk to someone about her situation, but was threatened not to tell because nobody would believe her and she would be hurt. She sighed, looking at her phone. Maybe she could message her potential friend?
"Tanaka-san, good morning!" She was snapped out of her thoughts by a familiar voice. She looked up and saw Budo, grinning brightly at her. He ran over to her. She wondered why someone like him would be happy to see someone like her, but she wasn't against it.
"Good morning to you too Masuta-kun." She smiled, walking alongside him up to the martial arts club. She suddenly remembered something, reaching into her bag. "Oh, I have this for you." She presented him with the martial arts uniform she'd borrowed, now washed and ironed neatly. He laughed, not taking it from her.
"I want you to keep it, because I would like you to join the martial arts club!" He said to her, smiling brightly. She stopped and looked up at him, surprised he wanted her to join. Nobody seemed to want her to stay around for long, but this boy seemed to be an exception.
"I would love to." She said to him, holding the uniform tighter. It was hers to keep now, for as long as she was in the club, that was. He smiled brightly and carried on walking with her to the club room.

They decided to spar for a while, just testing what the other could do although it was mostly Budo testing Naoko's skill set. He was quite shocked and impressed by what she could do, and how natural it seemed to come for her.
"You fight like its second nature to you." Budo told her confidently, blocking one of her punches. She smiled a little, watching him the whole time. "You're such a mystery, tell me about your past." He said to her, aiming a kick in her direction. She blocked it with ease, still looking at him.
"That's the thing, Masuta-kun. I have no recollection of my past." She told him plainly, aiming a kick of her own at him. He blocked it, just listening to her. She interested him greatly, and he wanted to get to know more about her.
"Not anything? All you remember is showing up here?" He asked, signalling the end of their sparring match. She stopped, sitting down with him on the mat. They were currently the only two in the room, so their conversation was mostly private.
"All I know is that my parents used hypnosis on me for some reason over most of my life, and I broke free of that when I learnt of it on my first day here. Before that though my mind goes blank." She explained to him. He smiled a little at her, a reaction the dark haired female certainly didn't expect. That wasn't a reaction she usually got when she explained that she had no memories.
"Do you search for answers?" He asked, looking directly at her. She nodded slowly, of course she was looking for answers. She had been ever since she learned of what her parents were doing to her. "I hope very much that you find them, but if you don't then I hope it doesn't hold you back in life."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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