Red Wine x Reader x Steak

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Hi I'm not good at writing plz forgive me for mistakes after all, I DID say I was a noob at this game. Oh yea and I got inspired by @CheneyTYX so cred to this dude cos his/her book is like a million times better than this. I'm so sorry this sucks I hope that kid doesn't read this lol
~green bean

"Master attendant, you really are clumsy." Red wine sighed and put you on your feet again, then dusted himself off. You were mopping the floor of the restaurant after closing hours and you accidentally got distracted from cleaning and was eventually using your mop as a dancing partner fell. If it wasn't for Red Wine, you would've hurt your ass really badly. "You were dancing huh?" He asked. He had been watching you dance from the restaurant door for some time without you knowing. "You have been watching me?!" You were shocked that he didn't make a sound and Steak didn't come in and start a fight with him for watching you. "Your dancing skills need improvement." He said and took your mop aside.

"That's not a good dance partner, to dance well with a partner, you will need a good dance partner, that way, you'll be able to dance properly without any mistakes because that dance partner will make you feel one with the music." Red Wine said really quickly and you were dumbfounded by his logic. "So you're saying that you know exactly what to do when you have a good dance partner...?" You asked, still confused. "You'll understand, for now, practise." He placed an arm around you waist and placed your arm around his neck then started dancing along with you, ballroom dancing. You accidentally stepped on his toes a few times but the more you tried, the better you got! "He's right! I do feel one with the music!" You thought and a smile cracked across your cheeks. You were feeling so calm and concealed- "WAH!" Your mouth was agape when he suddenly twirled you around... and a pair of arms caught you?

What you didn't know was that Crepe had seen you both dancing (*Twice mode on* LETS DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY~) and being ya know, CREPE, she told everyone. When Steak heard, he was so mad he could take down Spectra with just one powerful hit. The enraged food soul stormed to the restaurant and caught his Master Attendant just in time.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!!?!?" He boomed at his foe. "Just teaching Master Attendant to dance. you barbarian..." Red Wine uttered under his breath but Steak heard it anyways. "I'm only trying to protect Master Attendant from you VAMPIRE." Steak, unlike Red Wine, clearly said that last word. "What. Was. That?" Red Wine seemed to be losing his temper at what Steak called him, his expression changed and he clenched his fists. "Yea, you're a vampire, go suck blood." Steak pulled out his sword, knowing that Red Wine was about to fight. "Suck blood huh? I wouldn't do something that only hooligans like you would do." Red Wine, who was also enraged, pulled out his sword and aimed it at Steak. "Oh no. You two better not cause any tables or chairs to be broken, I spend a lot of gold on them." You tried to stop the fight but failed. You closed your eyes and waited for the loud clanging of swords but it never came. All you heard was a thud. You opened your eyes again to see the two Food souls on the floor. "What?! Why is the floor wet?!" Red Wine was annoyed and rubbed his temples to express his annoyance. Steak on the other hand, lay on his back, not moving an inch to let the pain sink away but you could still feel his powerful glare boring into Red Wine's skull. "That's a lesson for you both to never fight in my restaurant ever again." You smirked a little at your 'victory' "fine." The two food souls said at the same time.

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