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hyunjin had woken up to the sound of a chair falling to the floor. the loud noise sending a panic through his body. the boy had already known what the sound was. he had known for years the dreaded day would come. he let loud sobs fall from his mouth as he ran to the small living room they had shared there last dance in only a few short hours ago. he fell to the ground at the sight of his lover. the room was no longer filled with slow music , soft giggles and i love you's. it was filled with loud sobs and the sound of sirens echoing in the distance. the room that was once filled with love and joy , now with sadness and heartbreak. the room the boys had shared there last kiss , there last dance , there last memory. was now ruined for the raven haired boy.

ghost of you   ||   seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now