Part: 2

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After My Happy Ending: Ranma 1/2

Part: 2


Back to the Good Old Days:

Akane is stand at the gate of Furinkan High. Akane thinks about Ranma and all of the good times they had. Akane laughs and says "I can get through this! Ranma probably has a good explanation for this. I will be okay. Ranma would never cheat on me. Would he...?? "Akane thinks for a few minutes and says "Maybe. He used to call me uncute so... I... guess he never cared." Akane takes a second to look at her chest and her. Meanwhile she remembered how Mei looked with her curves.

Akane walks to the park and notice a bunch of happy couples. Akane just stares and thinks to herself 'That was supposed to be me and Ranma... but I guess not.' Akane fakes smiles and keeps walk. Then Akane says "All my memories of high school. And they are all connected to Ranma. When did all my good memories, now turn bad..." Akane looks at the sky. She felt her eyes filling with tears. And think 'Maybe... But I still love him... I can't let go...I just can't!" She felt the ground her tears busted. "I can't stop them they won't stop...Ranma why? Were you just lying to me...?" Akane stops and then looks at the ground. 'Was this a lie? A game? Or maybe a test?'

'I need see him but I'm afraid. Ranma will not take me back. He has his girlfriend. Mei wasn't force, but me and Ranma were. No wonder. Ranma got sick of me... now I understand. Ranma never cared. I was just a toy to him' Akane tries to fake a smiles but it's too hard. Tear filled her face and then someone calls out for her. Akane turns around to see a familiar face and she yells "Ukyo!!!"


Never Give Up

Akane runs to Ukyo. "Umm... Hi, Akane." Ukyo says. Then see Akane face filled with tear. "Is everything okay? What happened, Akane?" Akane stands there for a minute and think 'Should I tell, Ukyo? She is marriage. I don't know... Well I have no choice now.' Akane stops crying and says "Well. Mum... Ranma... um..." Ukyo interrupted "Akane, I don't have all day. Speak up." Akane looks at Ukyo and tears fall out. "Ranma," Akane speaks up "Cheated on me..." Ukyo face is stunted. "Akane! I'm so sorry for you... Is there anyway I can help. You just say the word, sugar and I will help." Akane tries to stop crying and says to Ukyo "Thank you, but I will be fine. Ranma never really liked me anyway"

Ukyo stops Akane from staying anymore. "Are you kidding? Ranma always liked you Akane. I want Ranma to be with me but... he always picked you." Akane starts to talk "Ukyo, think back to the times in high school. Ranma always said that you were cute and... I was uncute... and a tomboy... He never liked me. And I never liked him." Ukyo interjects "Akane are you sick. Ranma always loved you and always will so maybe it's a misunderstanding." Akane stops Ukyo from staying more "This isn't a misunderstanding. Ranma told me, personally." Ukyo stares at Akane surprise and unable to say anything. Akane then says "I know this hard to comprehend but Ranma loves her. I just can't interfere with love."

Then Ukyo smacks Akane throwing her to the ground "Akane!! Don't think like that. I gave up Ranma for you... and now this new girl comes in to steal him. Akane you can't give up! Aren't you Akane Tendo! The inheiror of Tendo Dojo." Akane stares at Ukyo with her hand on her cheek. "But... Ukyo! It's not that simply. Ranma loves her. What am I supposed to do?" Ukyo looks at Akane and says "Akane think. You can't just hide. You can't give up!" Akane looks at Ukyo and freeze. "Ukyo... I can't... I'm sorry." Ukyo looks at her and says "Okay but Akane just remember never give up." Ukyo smiles and says "I'm counting on you." Ukyo walks away and Akane is left on the ground of the park. Froze and stunted.


Ranma Purpose:

Back at the dojo. Ranma is talking to Mei, "Mei!! What did you do?!?!?" Mei tells Ranma in the nicest way possible "I told her that you loved me, and not her!" Ranma yells at Mei, "I'm going to look for Akane. You stay here!" Ranma leaves his stuff and looks for Akane and in the process he sees his old buddy Ryoga. Ryoga see Ranma and waves "What's up, Ranma." Ranma stops and ask "Have you seen Akane?" Ryoga says "No, why? What did you do? Ranma if you did something to hurt Akane... I... I ...I WILL KILL YOU!!"

Ryoga attacks Ranma. "Ryoga!! Let me explain." Ranma push Ryoga to the ground and explains "Well... Where to start??" Scratches his head and begin his story "Once I went to college I met this girl named Mei. She reminded me of Akane so we became buddies. I had a lot of friend but I and Mei were the closest." Ryoga interrupts "What does this have to do with Akane?!"
"Don't interrupt. Then I and my friends went to play a card game. I lost. And since I lost I had to go out with Mei for one day. I didn't think it would be that bad.... but I fell for her.... but I love Akane." Ryoga stops Ranma "YOU JERK!" Punches Ranma. "I gave up Akane to you!!! And NOW YOU ARE OFF WITH THIS OTHER GIRL!!!! WHY DIDN"T YOU TELL ME THIS 4 YEARS AGO!!! Ranma and Ryoga fight

"Ryoga try to understand I didn't want this to happen. It just happened." Ranma tries to tell Ryoga but he still attacks "Ranma!! You are lucky I have Ukyo now. Or else I WOULD KILL YOU HERE AND NOW!!" Ranma jumps into a tree and Ryoga follows. Ranma thinks 'Why is Ryoga so mad?' Ryoga keeps attacking then stops. "Ranma. Why? You have a great girl like Akane and you ditch her for another girl. You are not a guy. YOU ARE A GIRL!" Pours water on Ranma. "RYOGA!! YOU JERK!!!" Attacks Ryoga. Ryoga just leaves Ranma in the middle of the fight and says "Ranma you have no rights to call Akane your Fiancé anymore." Ranma froze there and lost in his thoughts 'What am I doing? Am I turning into Kuno??? No... I love Akane but... Mei... I just don't know...'

At the park Akane walks to Kuno's place. "Maybe, Nabiki knows what to do?" Akane is dead inside. 'I don't know what to do anymore.'

After My Happy Ending: Ranma1/2Where stories live. Discover now