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The Next Day

Jungkook's POV
I woke up and saw Taehyung next to me peacefully sleeping I slowly get up and head towards the bathroom and do my routine.
I come out and go downstairs to greet my hyungs I head down and see all my hyungs sitting down in the couch the last time they were like this was when I brought Jimin home. Just thinking of him makes me disgusted I can't believe I dated him at least I got my Baby with me now.

"Morning hyungs." I said as I walked towards them. As soon as I got close I got this. *SLAP* I look and saw that Jin smacked me. "What?" I said. "What do you mean what? Why is that guy here when you still have Jimin." I face palmed. "Hyung what did I tell you when I came through that door?" He started thinking and pitted the pieces together.

"I thought you were kidding." He said as I rolled my eyes and everyone then told me to sit.
"How long?" Asked Hoseok. Honestly I already know we are talking about Taehyung.
"Just last night at my mission." He nodded. Then of course he hit me with the rambling questions.
"Name? Age? Favorite Color? Personality? Is he sweet and cool? Does he like Gucci? CAN HE BE MY FRIEND??" Everyone just stared then we heard a voice more like my lovers and he said.
"I'm Kim Taehyung. My age is 20. I love purple. I'm pretty bubbly and cute at least that's what I've been told. Yeah? Totally and sure why not." He shrugged and went and sat with me.
"What?" Everyone blinked twice and Hoseok tackles him with a hug.
"YAY A NEW FACE FOR ONCE!" He laughed and then I got him away from Taehyung and sat him in my lap.
"Hi I'm Yoongi or Suga and I'm the boyfriend of your new friend don't wake me up from my naps and we'll be cool." Yoongi said. Taehyung said a small 'sure' then Namjoon introduced himself.
"I'm Namjoon or RM I'm the boyfriend of this handsome man right here." Namjoon said as he pointed to Jin.
"Hi sweetie I'm Jin but you can call me eomma and as you see I'm like the mother here." Jin said Taehyung said 'Morning eomma and I like your eyes' Jin fell over heels from that and literally pinched his cheeks and said "You are officially my favorite child" Taehyung just giggled. Everyone cooed EVEN Yoongi but they got a growl from Jungkook.
"I'm Hoseok. But you can call me Hobi or J-Hope I love hugs though Mr.Grumpy Pants doesn't allow it." Hoseok said while pointing at Yoongi. Taehyung just laughed.
"Yeah and I can turn from sleepy head to a savage from 0 to 100 real quick." Yoongi said. Tae was confused but the asked out loud.
"Should I feel threatened?" He asked and then Yoongi said.
"This kid got some balls Jungkook you finally picked a good one." Tae Then shrugged and said "Can't argue with you there." Which made the hyungs to laugh. He then snuggled towards my chest and put his face in the crook of my neck. I chuckled and pecked his lips and secured him with my arms around his waist.
That was just all of us talking and cuddling.

Another chapter boring I know but bye loves



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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Nov 15, 2018 ⏰

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