"You don't know anything about me!" (Pt 1)

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Before summer even began, we both agreed we would go see our parents, since they both live in the same town. I started packing, not making eye contact or talking with Shouto, I still feel weird, the thought of something growing in you stomach is just nerve-racking. How is it possible?! Its not, boys don't have baby's, well a seahorse does, but ya get what I'm saying.

Finally, I had packed everything and put my suitcase by the door, "Shouto, I've finished packing," I said, saying something to him after so long silence, "How are you, you almost done?" I ask. "Almost, just need to find Mr snuggles." Who's Mr snuggles? Never heard of him before? "Who's he, a teddy?" I ask, curious. He went a little red, "Y-yeah he's my teddy. I've had him since I was 2. So I've had him for 14 years." he smiled, shyly, taking out the teddy. "Awwww, he's cute." I say, laughing then taking his bag. "Oh, its fine, I can do this, I don't wanna put you under more pressure. After....ya know." I reply, "Ok, ok." I put a hand on my stomach and look at the floor, sighing. "Can I ask you something?" "Yeah, sure. what is it?" "Could I die from this?" I ask, a little tear in my voice, "Well, yeah, there's a .... 35.6 % chance that you will, but I highly doubt it." I put my hands on my head and whisper "Oh my allmight." For the rest of the morning, I was silent, again, it's like this hole baby thing is a big problem.

We arrived at the airport, getting onto the plain, row 6 on the left side, we sat. I put my hand on Shouto's and gulped, I had been scared of airplane flights since I was 5, and I don't wanna talk about it. The plain lifted, I was terrified, and took his hand. About 2-3 hours later we arrived at japan, it looked so beautiful, the cherry blossom trees all blooming as normal and my old junior school. We got off the plain, taking out suitcases and walking to the front desk to check out. My mums place wasn't so faraway from the airport, it was only a 10-15 minuet walk. Home sweet home, back again. I knocked, lightly so she could just hear me. the door opened slowly, my mothers expression, shocked. It had been 6 months and shouto, he has neve met my mother. She wrapped he arms around me, saying "Midoriya! You home!" She was so happy to see me, so happy that she had tears in her eyes, Shouto just stood there, not knowing what to do. My mum let go, then looked at Shouto, "You must be Midoriaya's friend, I'm is mum, nice to meat you." she smiled and put a hand out to him. he shuck her hand, then adding, "I'm actually his boyfriend now." my mother put an arm around me, "Well, whatever makes you happy." I giggled, then hugged her.

She invited us in, heading straight to the ketal to make us a drink, "So, would you boys like a drink?" she asked. Shouto and I shuck our head as a no. "You sure, I mean it was pretty cold out there, wouldn't you like to warm up?" "Its fine mum, I don't want want one, but thanks anyway." I say, politely, then looking at Shouto and smiling. He smile back, then looked down, graving his sketch book out, "What'cha drawing?" I ask, "Your delicate mother." he said, grinning. I look at him, "Oh ok." I sounded like a comedian on a show, doing a little silly voice.

A few hours pass and we're playing cards, for the 7th time, my mum has beaten us 4 times now, I got to win this one, Shouto's won 3 times, I've won none. Well, I'm not really good at playing cards, its tricky, I have so much stuff on my mind that's putting me off. I almost nodded off on round 8, Shouto noticed, and asked my mother to pause a second, then carried me to me old room, leaving me to sleep.

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