Why should i tell you

142 1 4

"I'm not"

(Your pov)

"I am. I don't know" you say not knowing if it's the truth.
"Even if he loves me I hate him I will never go back to him!" You know you would so you blush a bit.
"Ahhh Why did he come here?! I swear everyone I date ether brings trouble or wants to hurt me I need to settle down with someone which is you" he said fast And grabbed you then hugged you tight and said "I'll be home later" then left you thought "wooow What just happened?!" You laid down and fell asleep (I know this is short but I was in the middle of class so I couldn't do much also count every word whoever gets the exact number of words will get a prize till the last word including this)

Secrets of the dark(yoongmin smut/fluff? Idk)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat