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My name is Alice Harper, I am seventeen years old and have moved with my family to Doncaster, where we have bought a new two-storied house in hopes to start again. After what happened with my mum, we couldn't stay in that house for any longer, so we left Australia.

Currently I am sitting in our car as we drive towards our new house. We bought it over the internet, obviously considering we were over seas. And were sent pictures of the house, very dodgy business.

As my dad drives down the street, nearing our new house, I spot a pretty crappy looking house up ahead, two stories, wooden walls cracked and dirty. Oh god please don't let that be our house, it looks haunted.

But then I see the house across from it, and it looks much worse and creepyer. I think I'd prefer the other house. But still, please don't let that piece of crap be our house.

My dad pulled into the driveway. Just my luck, it was our house. And across from it was the uggliest house ever. Horaay! Not.

"You've got to be kidding me." Joel, my thirteen year old brother complained, "this place looks like shit!" "Watch your language." Dad scolded calmly as he parked the black, glossy BMW, the furniture truck doing the same.

We all hopped out of the car, my dad called me other, giving the house key to me, "You two, go pick out your rooms while I sort out the funiture, and no arguing about who gets the biggest room, it's mine." He told us with a smile and walked of towards the guys leaning against the furniture who were waiting on instructions.

Suddenly excited, I raced Joel to the door and slid in the key, I prayed that the inside looked better than the outside, to my surprise, it definately was. The floor was newly carpeted and the walls were painted a light sky blue colour. There were no holes in the walls or anything, like I'd thought there'd be. I was practically in awe, I hadn't realised Joel had raced upstairs to choose a room 'til he called down that he called dibs the second biggest room, damn. I ran upstairs to see Joel giving me a smug smile and poked his tongue out. Joel looked a lot like our dad, where as I looked like mum, except where my dad was uptight and wore suits and comed back his hair, Joel had fluffy brown hair that sometimes covered his dark brown eyes, he liked to wear a lot of black and white, I have no idea why. He's a weirdo... Runs in the family.

I had straight blonde hair that had curls hanging at the end, which almost flowed down to my elbows, I rarely cut it. And my eyes were an emerald green colour, just like mums. I miss her.

Joels' voice kicked me out of my trance, "Your rooms down there," he gestured just down the hall, "You can see that creepy old house from outside your window, have fun." He grinned and skipped down stairs. Little shit, not only do I have the smallest room, I also have a haunted house right outside.

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