Chap. 1, Pt. 2: Intro Phase 2

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The first things Volt always heard at the beginning of the school being known to the school as, 'always' absent is,

"Don't be absent", "Tomorrow you'll probably be gone"

Volt found this amusing in a way that he thought his teachers tried not to hurt his feelings, but speak the truth by using a joke as a medium.

Their school had a 'great' first period according to Volt, which was Journalism. In there, they learned how to express themselves and their opinion by writing about a given topic.

After Journalism, they had Values. It's already defined as to what it's all about just by it's name. Alright, past that, was Recess.

The, go to the canteen, have a little chat, the usual, right?

Next was Math. A subject that Volt likes and excels at. He was even, dubbed, "The Human Calculator".

He never really used as a way yo show off, though.

At one point, he excessively used mental math so much that he forgot how to multiply in paper. He was embarassed, but most found it humorous.

A cool fact is that their Mathematics teacher is also their adviser. To Volt, it was a great advantage for utilizing extra tips, and so on.

Up next, was Science.

It never really appeared to be interesting in anyway to Volt. He's fine with land forms, and water forms and such, but he absolutely dislikes the cell-related topics.

"Boy, here comes the cells",
he used to say.

And now, the most-loved subject by the class, Home Economics. It covers, home economics, and, food!

That definitely sums it up, electronics, dining ettiquettes, and such.

Lunch time was next. Anyway, moving on,

English time. Volt and his 'mates is nearing dismissal. But don't let that excite you as he still has 2 more subjects, and Chinese Classes.

Their book this year mainly focuses on Afro-Asia literature, which frankly, is different from the previous year.

Social Studies. The other subject Volt is not too fond of at. Their tests in that particular subject mainly consists of essays, enumerations, and identification, part of the reason why Volt dislikes it.

Then, Computer. Fun coding, HTML, and more, that's certainly it.

Finally, we reach the end, Chinese Class. Your typical, strict lao shī, worksheets, and Chinese history.

At this stage, certainly you've learned the foundation of Volt's school; different classes, overall, more information about the setting of the story.

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