Day 2

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I went to Wednesday youth group yesterday. It's was ok. Right before that I watched my friend Tess's volleyball game and Danny game. Danny and another girl from our church Sara are like best friends. Our team lost both games. Me and Danny talked for like 5 minutes and then didn't talk the rest of the time. Sense I rode to church with Sara, Tess is really mad at me. Idk why. School was actually pretty great. In Spanish we watched a stupid music video and Trevor starts to stand up and just started to dance.😂 it was so funny like I can't explain it. The thing is all my friends hate Trevor so.... yeah.  Do you guys know what the star test is. I think it might just be a Michigan thing. Well we took that and I'm pretty sure I like absolutely failed. It's whatever though because it only counts for like 5% of your grade. Me and my crush are finally talking again. For awhile we weren't talking and I don't know why he just stopped talking me. His name is Anthony. So I think we are going to be ok as friends. This crush thing though needs to go away because he doesn't like me like that. I feel like every time I like someone they end up just being a great friend instead of a great boyfriend. Well that's another day in the life of the unwanted.

P. S. All of the names in this story are fake for privacy reasons. The story contents are true.

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