Joe, Jeff, George, Steve, and a few unnamed characters taking part in a STORY!!!

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Just Joe.

That's all you need to know about him. His name is Joe.

Joe was a Helmeted Honeyeater who lived in a seemingly utopian Helmeted Honeyeater village. His favourite colour was green, which is totally unrelated, but it was.

He spent pretty much all day eating, hunting, sleeping, or eating. Joe was pretty much always hungry.

Actually, there's a lot more to Joe than just Joe, now I think about it...

I don't think there's anything else to explain, so... umm... on with the first scene.

The council of the Helmeted Honeyeaters were pretty unimpressed with their 'utopian' village, mainly because the death toll was increasing, but also because the apple juice wasn't tasty enough. George, the leader much preferred orange juice. Many people weren't impressed with his drink choices, because obviously, apple juice is better than orange juice.

Curious with the increasing death toll, George started trying to investigate it, but got distracted by an orange juice sale.

The next morning, George woke to the sound of a drum solo. Well, it sounded like a drum solo. When he walked to his door, he realised it was a riot; some sort of protest. He read many offensive signs, such as 'replace our leader!', 'George is terrible!', and 'up with apple juice!'. The third one really got on his nerves.

He tried to politely reason with the protesters, i.e. "Your ideas are rubbish!"

"Sir, we are unimpressed by your work motive," came a voice within the crowd.

Back to Joe; he was severely concerned with the decline of his species' population, so he decided to become a detective.

The case was surprisingly easy. After one day of eavesdropping at a local sanctuary where he grew up, he had found all the details.



Case: Decreasing Helmeted Honeyeater population

Hypothesis: Wi-Fi chainsaws slicing the life out of the trees in which we live.

Information gathered: Feline predators eating many Helmeted Honeyeaters. Oh, and the deforestation Wi-Fi Chainsaw issue.

Conclusion: Ensure the cats do not have neither permission nor access to any environment where any birds could be harmed.


Joe decided to take the report to Sir George, the leader of the village. But when he got to his house, there was a large crowd holding signs in the way.

Joe heard a few snippets of conversation; "We're all dying, and you're sitting in your office sipping orange juice!"

Joe thought George wouldn't be in the best of moods, so he decided to wait until tomorrow.

Jeff the Evil Mastermind Killer Who Will Most Definitely Be The End of You considered himself quite evil, smart, and humble. Annoyingly, he is in fact two of these.

Jeff is a fox who doesn't really hate birds, but thinks they are a tasty and addictive snack. Every night, he would stalk a different honeyeater until his belly was full. He had many different ways to catch a honeyeater, like spraying them with a water pistol. Sadly, his massive clumsy fox paws weren't really nimble enough to press the tiny plastic trigger, so that wasn't really his main approach.

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