Back to Hogwarts

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The beginning is gonna be kinda confusing because...well cause I'm a bad writer😂

Chapter status: not edited


Hermione's POV:

"Hermione? Are you even listening?"

I snapped my head up to see five faces looking at me.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," I nodded.

We were on our way back to Hogwarts and Ginny is going on, non-stop about how her new years was. It's not that I didn't care, I just couldn't stop thinking about MY new years.

Since that night, for a week I did absolutely nothing and I haven't glanced a look at...him.

Astoria and Pansy were, and still are completely confused with the way I have been acting the last week. I was really glad when Luna came up to me at platform 9 and three-quarters, and led me to their compartment. I wasn't in the mood to stay with the others.

"So Mione, what did you do for your New Years at Hells Palace?" Ron asked, raising his eyebrows as everyone laughed, cracking a smirk.

"Uhm, we had a party, danced, it was quite fun you know," I murmured.

"Well well Hermione, nice to see you've gone back to your cheerful self!" A very familiar voice spoke. I snapped my head up to see George smirking, standing by the door.

"George?!" I asked, widening my eyes. Why was he going to Hogwarts? "Why are you here?"

"Going to Hogwarts of course!" He replied cheerfully, sitting down beside Ginny.

"'ve already graduated," I told him, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes yes Hermione but if you hadn't remembered from the first day, Mcgonagall said that an eighth year was added. Don't you remember? Have you not seen Cho Chang or Ammabel Grey around school? They're all in my year!"

Oh right!

The table was awfully squishy, and she said that it was because they added an eighth year, to learn dark, dark magic, and how to defend ourselves.

"But you weren't here in the beginning of the school year," I started.

"Yes well I was invited to come, but I didn't know if I was ready to go back to a place filled with such horrid memories," he spoke, without a single glint of sadness in his eyes.

Suddenly the train stopped.

"We're here!" Luna smiled, jumping up, grabbing Neville's hand, and running out.

Luna and Neville were just so cute!


We gathered into the great hall, and I avoided the five stares from the Slytherin table.

"Hello and welcome back students!" Mcgonagall roared, standing up in front of the students.

"I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New years. Now I want to add some new additions to Hogwarts. Now, a couple of new ghosts have arrived. These ghosts were brave during the war, they fought, they gave themselves up, just to save others. The first ghost, I present, Remus Lupin!"

My mouth dropped, and Harry spat out his pumpkin juice right onto Neville, who didn't even notice.

A flying, and clear Lupin flew onto the stage.

"Nymphadora Tonks!"

Tonks also came flying out, looking like Lupin, as she stood...or hovered beside Lupin.

Something New: A Dramione FanfictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя